« Digimon Adventure 02 ep 26 »
List of Digimon Adventure 02 episodes 26
"United We Stand"
ジョグレス進化 今、心をひとつに
(Joguresu Shinka! Ima, Kokoro o Hitotsu ni)
"Jogress Evolution! Now, Two Hearts Become One"
(Ja:) Fuji Television
(En:) Saban Entertainment
Airdate (Ja:) October 1, 2000
(En:) February 3, 2001
Written by (Ja:) Genki Yoshimura
(En:) Terri Lei-O'Malley, Jeff Nimoy, Bob Buchholz
Directed by (Ja:) Hiroyuki Kakudou
Chief Anim.
Tomoko Itou
Art Yukiko Iijima
Toei Animation
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The Digimon Emperor's legacy proves to remain strong, as Ken's former base becomes highly unstable, threatening to destroy the entire Digital World, and only Ken has the means to stop it.


DA02 ep26 recap

Episode recap for United We Stand.


The DigiDestined are rebuilding a bridge. They decide to take a rest and feed their Digimon. Yolei is scared that Ken is in danger from the woman. Ken and Stingmon are destroying control spires. He wonders how Arukenimon, the evil woman, can turn them into Digimon. After the bridge is finished, they decide to leave. Arukenimon watches them and uses Spirit Needle to turn the control spire into Minotarumon.

Minotarumon heads towards the bridge to destroy it. Veemon armor digivolves to Raidramon. Raidramon attacks, but Minotarumon knocks him into the water. Hawkmon digivolves to Aquilamon. He picks up Minotarumon but drops him on the bridge. Gatomon and Patamon armor digivolve and use their Golden Noose attack. Raidramon uses Thunder Blast to destroy Minotarumon, but also part of the bridge as well. The DigiDestined are now faced with rebuilding the bridge again. Davis thinks they should ask Ken for help, but the others are against it. Cody is not convinced at all. Davis believes the Digi-Egg and crest of kindness made Ken good now.

Izzy emails them. There is a bizarre signal coming from where Ken's base went down. The DigiDestined arrive at the fallen emperor's base. There is a major power source there that is about to explode. Davis emails Ken for help. Ken and Stingmon are tired from destroying control spires all day. They go home to find Arukenimon on his computer. Ken yells at her because she keeps calling him. Smoke is coming out of the emperor's base. The phone rings at Ken's house. Arukenimon says Ken was used, and anyone could have filled his shoes as the emperor. The control spires weren't his idea. Wormmon answers the phone and it's Izzy. Izzy tells him it's an emergency. Ken wants to know why it was him that was picked. Wormmon tells Ken about the phone call and gives him the phone. Izzy tells Ken to take his crest to the digital world where his base used to be. He tells Ken that the power of his crest is the only thing that hold off the power coming from his base.

Arukenimon confronts the DigiDestined. She uses ten spirit needles to turn control spires into Okuwamon. All the Digimon digivolve, but Okuwamon defeats them. Ken and Wormmon arrive. Wormmon digivolves and Stingmon attacks Okuwamon. Davis wants Ken's crest, but he says it is his responsibility. Ken and Stingmon want to fight it alone. Davis hits Ken; he is tired of him wanting to go it alone. Davis convinces Ken that they are friends. Both of their Digivices glow, and they can feel each other's heart beats. Ex-Veemon and Stingmon DNA digivolve into Paildramon.

Adventure 02 Epi26-1 Adventure 02 Epi26-2 Adventure 02 Epi26-3 Adventure 02 Epi26-4 Adventure 02 Epi26-5 Adventure 02 Epi26-6

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Rookie Champion Ultimate Armor

Digimon Analyser[]

DC miDC noDC taDC ruDC moDC n

Beast Man Digimon

Special Move
Darkside Quake
Raidramon: "Minotarumon is a Champion Digimon with a nasty left jab. His Earthquake Drill will turn that bridge into stepping stones."

DC oDC oDC kuDC waDC moDC n

Insect Digimon

Special Move
Scissor Arms Ω
Arukenimon: "Okuwamon is an Ultimate Digimon. Stay clear of his Double Scissor Claw attack—he has a cutting sense of humor."


(Number indicates order of occurrence.)

Shurimon 1 Hawkmon 3 Shurimon 8 Hawkmon 14 Aquilamon 17 Hawkmon 22 Aquilamon 26 Hawkmon 31 Aquilamon 35 Hawkmon
Shurimon b Arrow R Red Hawkmon b Arrow R Shurimon b Arrow R Red Hawkmon b Arrow R Aquilamon b Arrow R Red Hawkmon b Arrow R Aquilamon b Arrow R Red Hawkmon b Arrow R Aquilamon b Arrow R Red Hawkmon b
DigiEgg of Sincerity b

Digmon 1 Armadillomon 3 Digmon 8 Armadillomon 32 Ankylomon 37 Armadillomon
Digmon b Arrow R Red Armadillomon b Arrow R Digmon b Arrow R Red Armadillomon b Arrow R Ankylomon b Arrow R Red Armadillomon b
DigiEgg of Knowledge b

Veemon 3 Flamedramon 8 Veemon 13 Raidramon 17 Veemon 22 Raidramon 26 Veemon 30 ExVeemon 40 Paildramon
Veemon b Arrow R Flamedramon b Arrow R Red Veemon b Arrow R Raidramon b Arrow R Red Veemon b Arrow R Raidramon b Arrow R Red Veemon b Arrow R ExVeemon b Arrow R Paildramon b
DigiEgg of Courage b DigiEgg of Friendship b DigiEgg of Friendship b
(w/ Stingmon)

Patamon 3 Pegasusmon 8 Patamon 16 Pegasusmon 17 Patamon 22 Pegasusmon 26 Patamon 34 Angemon 36 Patamon
Patamon b Arrow R Pegasusmon b Arrow R Red Patamon b Arrow R Pegasusmon b Arrow R Red Patamon b Arrow R Pegasusmon b Arrow R Red Patamon b Arrow R Angemon b Arrow R Red Patamon b
DigiEgg of Hope b DigiEgg of Hope b DigiEgg of Hope b

Gatomon 3 Nefertimon 8 Gatomon 15 Nefertimon 17 Gatomon 22 Nefertimon 26 Gatomon 33 Nefertimon 38 Gatomon
Gatomon (Ringless) t Arrow R Nefertimon b Arrow R Red Gatomon (Ringless) t Arrow R Nefertimon b Arrow R Red Gatomon (Ringless) t Arrow R Nefertimon b Arrow R Red Gatomon (Ringless) t Arrow R Nefertimon b Arrow R Red Gatomon (Ringless) t
DigiEgg of Light b DigiEgg of Light b DigiEgg of Light b DigiEgg of Light b

Stingmon 21 Wormmon 39 Stingmon 40 Paildramon
Stingmon b Arrow R Red Wormmon b Arrow R Stingmon b Arrow R Paildramon b
(w/ ExVeemon)


Ken: "Wormmon, looking at these [control spires] makes me sick to my stomach."
Wormmon: "Oh, great. Stick your head between your knees and take a deep breath. This whole thing is my fault."
Ken: "Aw! How many times do I have to tell you? It's not your fault. There are people you can talk to about this stuff."
Wormmon: "Then why didn't you talk to them before becoming the Digimon Emperor? It had to be easier than building control spires."

—Wormmon raises an excellent point.

Cody: "It seems sturdy enough."
Davis: "Of course it is! What do you mean by that, anyway? Don't you think I know what I'm doing?"
T.K.: "You said it."
Yolei: "Yeah, even if it is what we were all thinking."

—Davis' skills are brought into question as the DigiDestined finish fixing the bridge.

"You two would make good scratching posts."

Gatomon, annoyed by Davis and Flamedramon arguing.

T.K.: "Taking a swim?"
Davis: "Very funny, T.P.! A little help here!"

—T.K. mocking Davis after he's tossed into the river.

"Well, I'm just not comfortable around him. It's hard for people to really change. I think it's too risky."

Cody continues to mistrust Ken.

"And another one bites the dust."

Stingmon, taking out a control spire.

Izzy: "My theory is that a major power source is about to meltdown. If you guys don't shut it down, and I mean fast, it'll explode."
Davis: "What do you mean, 'explode?!'"
Izzy: "I mean explode! You know, boom!"

—The DigiDestined face a crisis at Ken's old base.

Woman: "Oh yes, you're so special. The truth is, any pretty little boy would've been as good."
Ken: "You used me!"
Woman: "Of course I did you little fool. Temper, temper. But you were always so easily to manipulate. The perfect toy, oh I meant to say tool. And you thought building Control Spire was you idea? Hah!"

—Ken tries to get the answer from the mysterious woman, to no avail.

Wormmon: "Hello, Ichijouji residence. I'm sorry, Ken's busy right now. Would you please hang up and try your call again later?"
Izzy: "Are you... the operator?"
Wormmon: "No, I'm the Digimon. May I help you?"
Izzy: "You must be Wormmon! You seem bright enough to me."
Wormmon: "Thank you... I think. What have you heard about me?"
Izzy: "Oh, never mind! This is an emergency! I need to speak to Ken right away!"

—Izzy and Wormmon engage in a typical phone conversation for the DigiDestined.

Yolei: "Who invited her?!"
Cody: "Maybe Ken sent his secretary instead!"

—Come on Cody! Just build a bridge and get over it already!

Gatomon: "He'd be kitty kibble if I could become Angewomon!"
Patamon: "You go girl!"

—Gatomon laments not being able to digivolve to Ultimate

"Well, now I've seen it all!"

—For someone with as much experience as Kari has in the Digital World, that is saying something.

ExVeemon: "ExVeemon!"
Stingmon: "Stingmon!"
ExVeemon and Stingmon: "DNA digivolve to..."
Paildramon: "Paildramon!"

—ExVeemon and Stingmon are able to DNA digivolve for the first time, thanks to Davis and Ken bonding.

Other notes[]

Continuity errors

  • In both the Brazilian and Chinese dubs of this episode, Yolei mistakes Ken's Crest of Kindness for another. In the Brazilian dub, she mistakes it for the Crest of Friendship, and in the Chinese dub, she mistakes it for the Crest of Love.
  • In the English dub, Ken refers to the mysterious woman by her name, Arukenimon, which isn't actually revealed until "Arukenimon's Tangled Web".
  • T.K says that Ken shouldn't get a second chance in this episode when he said the opposite in the previous one.

Animation errors

  • In the rear shot of the group as smoke comes out of the fortress, Kari's shirt is entirely pink.
  • In a slide-up shot of Paildramon near the end of the episode, the sides of his abdomen are colored white instead of blue.

Dubbing changes

  • In the original version, Arukenimon's taunting toward Ken was more childish, with her telling him to "turn around three times and bark" if he wants to her to answer his question. This is changed to her simply telling Ken that any boy like him is just as much as likely to become a tool to facilitate her plan.

Digimon references

  • When Izzy is shown in the computer room, a box on a nearby shelf reads "Yukio". This could be foreshadowing the appearance of Yukio Oikawa, later in the series.
  • This episode uses a clip from the episode The Darkness Before Dawn, featuring Davis and Veemon encountering the Digi-Egg of Miracles.

Real-world references

Miscellaneous trivia

  • In the Japanese version, this episode introduces new opening and ending videos.
  • Davis and Ken announce the episode title in the Japanese episode.
  • This episode introduces DNA digivolution to the series. In the Japanese version, this type of digivolution is accompanied by the insert song, Beat Hit.
  • This is the first episode to show Wormmon's full evolution sequence to Stingmon.
  • From this episode onward, the opening is different, including Ken and Wormmon in it, changing the bad guys too to Arukenimon and Mummymon, however, the English Dub retains the original opening throughout the whole series.
  • In the Finnish version of the series, this is the last episode to be dubbed in Finnish, and later episodes are simply shown in Japanese with Finnish subtitles. The Finnish version of this episode still used the first version of the opening and the first ending.