« Digimon Adventure: ep 33 »
List of Digimon Adventure- episodes 33
The Kari of Dawn
(Yoake no Hikari)
"The Hikari of Dawn"
Airdate (Ja:) January 24, 2021
(En:) January 23, 2021 (subbed)
(En:) April 13, 2023 (dubbed)
Toei Animation
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Tai’s party finally catches sight of SkullKnightmon and Kari, who was kidnapped. Tai chases after them, but Kari is swallowed into the darkness.


As Izzy realizes that the thrusters on the Soyuz spacecraft attached to the ISS could divert it from the collision with the satellites, Tai, Sora, and T.K. continue until they reach a crater holding one of the dark crystals of Millenniummon, where they encounter SkullKnightmon and Kari. Under the orders of the Vademon followers of Millenniummon, SkullKnightmon resonates with Hikari and evolves once more into AxeKnightmon. Tai, Sora, and T.K. try to save Kari, but AxeKnightmon has his steed hold them off until he absorbs Kari into his body, beginning the ritual to revive Millenniummon. Tai and MetalGreymon move to save Kari, while within AxeKnightmon, Kari sees a light and heads towards it. Sora and Garudamon defeat DarkKnightmon's steed DarkMaildramon. Refusing to lose his little sister, Tai and MetalGreymon move to save her, while the light Kari is trying to reach is revealed to be Gatomon. Once she saves Gatomon, she calls out to Taichi, allowing MetalGreymon to evolve into WarGreymon, breach AxeKnightmon, save Kari and Gatomon, and destroy AxeKnightmon as well, breaking the ritual to revive Millenniummon before it could succeed, though the Vademon agree to wait for the next opportunity to revive Millenniummon. Afterwards, Gatomon properly introduces herself to Sora and T.K. as the second Holy Digimon that they've been looking for, and with half the DigiDestined reunited, they turn their attention to recovering the others, stopping Millenniummon's revival, and the collision of the satellites and ISS.

Featured Characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega Other


SkullKnightmon AxeKnightmon Gatomon
SkullKnightmon b Arrow R AxeKnightmon b Arrow R Red Gatomon b
Agumon Greymon MetalGreymon (Vaccine) MetalGreymon Alterous Mode WarGreymon Agumon
Agumon b Arrow R Greymon b Arrow R MetalGreymon (Vaccine) b Arrow R Blue MetalGreymon Alterous Mode b Arrow R WarGreymon b Arrow RR Red Agumon b
Biyomon Birdramon Garudamon Biyomon
Biyomon b Arrow R Birdramon b Arrow R Garudamon b Arrow RR Red Biyomon b
Patamon Pegasusmon Patamon
Patamon b Arrow R Pegasusmon b Arrow R Red Patamon b


9-33 Analyzer Kokuwamon

9-33 Analyzer Gatomon

Digimon Encyclopedia[]

Digimon Encyclopedia 2020-Pegasmon
Rodeo Gallop
Silver Blaze
Shooting Star
Pegasmon. This Digimon evolves from Patamon. Pegasmon dashes around the battlefield in every direction at superspeed!


Vademon: "Shame, shame, shame."
Vademon Leader: "No matter. We shall await the next opportunity."
Vademon: "Next opportunity. Next opportunity. Next opportunity."

Other notes[]
