Tempomon is a Birdkin Digimon. It digivolved via dance music data. It is a natural-born dancer who always performs to the rhythm and unleashes its taijutsu while dancing, even in battle. It is a performer who dances to things ranging from cheerful music to mellow, moody songs, and whenever its headphones come off or the music stops, it gets into a bad mood and starts acting violently.[1]
- Rhythmic Arts: Dance kenpÅ which incorporates capoeira and martial arts.
- Howling Blast: Blows away the enemy away with a very loud beat emitted from the speaker in its abdomen.
- Upbeat Twister: Causes roaring sounds and tornadoes with its skillful footwork.
- Tempomon (ãã³ãã¢ã³)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.
- (En:) Tempo. A term used in sport/fitness, to refer to the rate or speed of motion or activity such as lifting weights as well as the musical term, Tempo.
Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[]
Tempomon digivolves from Exermon and Namakemon can digivolve to Achillesmon and Kazuchimon. It can also DNA digivolve from Bulkmon with a Vaccine or Free Champion Digimon, Runnermon with a Data Champion Digimon, and can DNA digivolve to Shivamon with a Vaccine or Free Ultimate Digimon, Shroudmon with a Virus Ultimate Digimon, or to various other Mega Digimon by acting as the Data Ultimate Digimon requirement.
Notes and references[]