
BlackTailmon Uver.[]

The English version of the Digimon Vital Bracelet Lab uses BlackTailmon Uver., so should we move to that? Lanate (talk) 01:35, 8 September 2022 (UTC)

I don't think so because the english version of the Digimon Reference Book uses BlackGatomon Uver. - Red Duel (talk) 01:48, 8 September 2022 (UTC)
it does seem like an oversight. if it gets a card, they would have to use blckgatomon uver there too due to the other gatomons for card effects so whilst it doesnt have a card yet thats the name itd use there. if the english drb uses blackgatomon uver (profile mentions blacktailmon a few times, so its techincally using two names) it probably is fair to stick to blackgatomon uver for consistency/drb/card game will use it unless they want a species clause that says this counts as a gatomon). also looks like the name was retconned, https://digimon.net/reference_en/detail.php?directory_name=blacktailmon_uver weyback machine says english was using blacktailmon uver in the reference book and just switched to blackgatomon uver recently. maybe they noticed because of the Digimon Vital Bracelet Lab they were using the wrong name?Marcusbwfc (talk) 01:54, 8 September 2022 (UTC)
I think it's fine as Marcusbwfc has edited it; I just wanted some proof somewhere that BlackGatomon Uver. was used somewhere officially to counter the official use of BlackTailmon Uver. in English. Lanate (talk) 02:15, 8 September 2022 (UTC)