
SlushAngemon is a Power Digimon whose and design are derived from "Slash Angemon" and the mythological Power. Its design was retouched by αρχιμεδεs.[3] It commands the Powers and cuts through the vanguard in battle. As it persists in justice, it does not fear death. Along with the blades of its metal wings and hands, its entire body has gained a razor-sharp appearance, and it is surely an Angel Warrior created in order to battle wicked beings.[4]

Digimon Fusion

Main article: SlushAngemon (Fusion)

Digimon World 3

You can obtain GuardiAngemon by getting Kotemon to Lv.40 or getting a Kyukimon to Lv.99. His card is White Mega 55/55.

Digimon World DS

GuardiAngemon digivolves from Kyukimon. A GuardiAngemon also appears as a victim of the BT Boss, along with a Seraphimon and a Cherubimon that you must fight before you fight Zhuqiaomon.

Digimon World Dawn and Dusk

SL Angemon is #345, and is a Mega-level, Attacker-class, Holy-species Digimon with a resistance to the Light element and weakness to the Dark element. Its basic stats are 293 HP, 325 MP, 168 Attack, 120 Defense, 138 Spirit, 129 Speed, and 66 Aptitude. It possesses the Heroic Power, Heroic Move, Numb Ward4, and Critical 4 traits.

It dwells in the Chaos Brain.

SL Angemon digivolves from MagnaAngemon. In order to digivolve to SL Angemon, your Digimon must be at least level 48, with 8500 Machine experience and 250 attack.

SL Angemon can also DNA digivolve from any two of Giromon, Kyukimon, and Piximon, if the base Digimon is at least level 41, with 8000 Machine experience, and 290 attack.

SL Angemon can be hatched from the Silver Egg.


  • Blade of the True (Holy Espada, Esp: Holy Sword): Slashes with a cross-shaped energy blast.
  • Golden Ripper (Heaven's Ripper): Charges at the opponent with staggering momentum, cutting them to pieces with the blades covering its body.

Notes and references
