Shoutmon X3SD is a Digimon born from SkullKnightmon and Axemon joining with Shoutmon X3, itself formed from Shoutmon, Ballistamon, and Dorulumon. It heroically wields the gigantic "Victory Spear", and its figure, ruthlessly mowing down opponents, is feared as a fierce god of the halberd.[2]
- Victory Spear
- Acid Typhoon
- Billion Stab
- Shoutmon X3SD (シャウトモンX3SD)
Name used in Digimon Life and the franchise.
- (En:) Shout.
- X. Short for "Xros" (クロス?) in Japanese media. Derived from Cross.
- 3. Refers to the fact that the base Shoutmon X3 form is created from Shoutmon, Ballistamon, and Dorulumon.
- S. From SkullKnightmon.
- D. From DeadlyAxemon.
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue and Red[]
Shoutmon X3SD DigiFuses from Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, SkullKnightmon, and Axemon.