
Roleplaymon is a Role-playing game Appmon. It is a hero that wields a holy sword. Strangely charismatic, no one seems to mind when it barges into homes uninvited and rummages through drawers.[1]


  • Holy Sword
  • Radiant Shield (Brave Shield)


Roleplaymon is a generic JRPG fantasy hero with a stitched mouth wearing both a circlet with a gem in it and a mantle. It wields a sword and shield, the latter of which has a sun on it. Like most Appmon, it has two cables on its back to allow Applink.

In Digimon Universe App Monsters, Roleplaymon color, hair style, and facial features vary.[2]


Ropuremon (ロープレモン)

Official romanization given by Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters and used in Japanese media.

  • (Ja:) Ropure (ロープレ Rōpure?). Japanese abbreviation of "roleplaying game" (ロールプレイングゲーム rōrupureingu gēmu?).

Official English name used in the Appmon Encyclopedia.


Digimon Universe App Monsters[]

Main articles: Roleplaymon (App Monsters) and Roleplaymon's parents

Roleplaymon are associated with RPGs and attend schools. The Roleplaymon attached to the 3rd Year RPG class reaches an achievement in recognition of his game's success from the teacher while the other Roleplaymon watch on. The Character I Leveled Up is Naked?! Ropuremon's School Dungeon!

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (manga)[]

Appli Monsters: Appmon Academy!![]

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (3DS)[]

Notes and references[]
