Rafflesimon is a Fairy Digimon. It is a Mega level Digimon said to be the largest flower in the Digital World. While its appearance is so beautiful that it enraptures all who lay eyes upon it, the stench it emits is out of this world. There are a number of people who fell for Rafflesimon's beauty at first sight and sought to find it again after a single glance. However, Rafflesimon's lifespan is short, and its life processes will cease after just several days have passed. Because of the extremely low likelihood of being able to catch sight of a Rafflesimon, it is also known as the "Miraculous Flower". Despite its circumstances, Rafflesimon never expresses any pessimism about its looming death, constantly yearning to live a normal life and dancing elegantly till its very last. It utilizes the large flower petals that dance around it as reflectors, reflecting its shots so that no enemy can escape.[3]
- Ballet Gun: Fires its sleeve like a cannon.
- Wisselen (Ned: Change): Sheds scales from its body. These scales cause anyone whose body they have latched onto to lose consciousness and turn into Rafflesimon's servants.
- Fascination: Enthralls an opponent and steals its life-force with a pink gas.
Rafflesimon is based on a queen with a royalty attire that's been colored red.
- Rafflesimon (ラフレシモン)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.
Rafflesimon was designed by Haito Nakano. It was originally designed similar to Omnimon, as a fusion of Rosemon and Lotosmon, however he was told to instead base the design on the Rafflesia arnoldii, and make it feminine.[4]
Digimon Ghost Game[]
Digimon Masters[]
Rafflesimon is a Jogress level Digimon that Jogresses from Rosemon (Original) and Lotusmon.
Digimon Battle[]
Rafflesimon DNA digivolves from Rosemon and Lotosmon.
Digimon New Century[]
Rafflesimon digivolves from Blossomon.
Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[]
Rafflesimon DNA Digivolves from Rosemon and Lotosmon.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ Rafflesimon is a "Jogress" Digimon in Digimon Masters.
- ↑ Digimon Masters
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Rafflesimon
- ↑ Digimon Designers' Special Talk for the Digital Monster Art Book Ver. Pendulum