
Pulsemon is the partner Digimon of Leon Alexander in the Digimon Seekers web novel and its live action counterpart.


Main article: Pulsemon#Design



  • Petite Impulse (Petit Impulse): Discharges electricity generated within its body from its fringe.


Digimon Seekers[]

At some point, Leon Alexander had visited Abadin Electronics with his father. Whilst there, Tomonori Ryusenji had shown Leon a video of the Digital World, followed up by him giving him Digimon Dock with a Digi-Egg on it figuring he could raise the Digimon well. Leon had lots of fun raising the Digimon, and upon digivolving it up to the Rookie level showed it off to his best friend – Eiji Nagasumi. The two bonded over how cool Pulsemon was, though their friendship eventually drifted apart as exams kept them busy which was followed up by them going to different schools. This got even worse when Leon moved back to the United States. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6

Leon spent his youth desiring to study Digimon and upon becoming old enough applied to join Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering since it would allow him to return to Tomonori, who worked there. During this time, he had also given updates on Pulsemon, with Tomonori telling him how to upgrade his Digimon Dock as thanks. As he learned more and more about Digimon, he learned about the rampant amount of Digimon related crime and was able to fight against them with Pulsemon. He was able to learn about a battle that was going to take place between some cyber terrorists and the American police but was unable to do anything as Machinedramon easily defeated Pulsemon and took out a plane killing over three hundred people of varying nationalities. He remembers feeling disgraced at losing so easily, and how he had taken on mission after mission to increase his strength so that he could one day get revenge. He trained not only Pulsemon, but himself, becoming not only the smartest person in his school but a master martial artist as well. Desiring only to stop Digimon related crimes, he turned down multiple opportunities wanting only to work under Tomonori – which he had managed to achieve upon returning to Japan. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6 Leon was able to attend the University as part of a study abroad program and whilst living in Japan, rented a room belonging to Tomonori. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-18 Now able to access to the Digital World as a worker of Tomonori, Pulsemon became stronger and stronger with the duo becoming famous with Leon is the only known cracker to use a Pulsemon. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-5 Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6

Just as the DigiPolice had cornered the Crack Team's Espimon in the The Last Coast and defeated one of them, Pulsemon suddenly appears on the scene and defeats the other three. It picks up the Digi-Egg they had stolen, mocks Satsuki Tamahime for being soft, then runs away too fast for anyone to do anything about it. Satsuki, upset that the evidence had been stolen, yells out for Pulsemon and Leon to give her the evidence back. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-5

One day, after Leon finishes having a shower, Pulsemon — who was Hololized in his room — tells him that the Sons of Chaos were up to something. It tells him that they were expanding their numbers, and a code cracker (Eiji Nagasumi) had fought the DigiPolice in the Wall Slums. Leon didn't find this to be unusual, since the two groups fought all the time, though becomes more interested upon learning the battle had taken place in Ninth Avenue. He asks Pulsemon what relation the cracker had with the SoC with Pulsemon excitedly telling him the SoC channel was ablaze with rumours about the mysterious cracker. Eiji: Wolf of the Ninth Avenue Chapter 1-18

In the middle of the night, Leon wakes up screaming having had the same nightmare about the accident once again. Hololized Pulsemon rushes to its partners side and asks if he's okay though Leon insists he's fine. Pulsemon tells Leon to go back to sleep since he has an early class the next day though Leon rejects the idea and instead decides to get up and start his day. He complains about the teacher, leading Pulsemon to wonder if he even needs to bother graduating since he works for Abadin Electronics already though Leon insists he has to as he promised his father he'd graduate and that being a college student with too much free time lets him do "other things" anyway. As Pulsemon jokes about that being "ethical hacking", Leon goes to the bathroom to have a shower. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-1

Leon somehow learns about the Sons of Chaos's plan to hack in the X Nation's server and get revenge against them for framing them for crimes they had committed with Machinedramon, with him possibly having learned from Ryusenji who had learned about it from Eiji. Leon and Pulsemon lie in wait near Machinedramon for the Sons of Chaos to arrive. When they do, Pulsemon digivolves to Kazuchimon and ambushes them. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-4 Leon had easily defeated the SoC and succeeded in killing Machinedramon, with Boutmon (Kazuchimon having de-digivolved to Ultimate during the battle) de-digivolving further back to Pulsemon. As Eiji, who was part of the SoC that Leon had defeated, looks at it, recognizes it, and wonders why. He then remembers his childhood best friend Leon had shown him his partner Digimon a long time ago with it being the same exact Digimon. Realizing that meant he was fighting Leon, he Hololizes – which also causes Leon to hololize as well. Not only was Eiji surprised to see Leon, Leon was surprised to see Eiji. Their reunion is cut short however as more X Nation hackers arrive, causing everyone to flee before they could be taken out by the reinforcements. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-5

Sometime later, having severed their Mindlink, Pulsemon and Leon wake up in the real world. Leon takes off Abadin Electronics mindlink endurance test apparatus, with the duo congratulating each other on their success at breaking the Mindlink world record. Tomonori arrives and congratulates the duo on having gotten revenge for the entire country of the United States of America, since the X Nation's Machinedramon had been responsible for WWW Flight 626's crash, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 Americans. Leon was pleased with this, since he wanted to get personal revenge against them for said terrorist attack against his home country. Happy at finally having been able to get his revenge, he reminisces about everything he had been through since meeting Tomori more than a decade earlier. He then tells Tomonori he has to leave, as he had a meeting with Eiji to attend. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6

Leon and Eiji go to a the café within DDL to catch up. Leon shows off Pulsemon to him once again, having done so when they were kids, with Eiji showing off Loogamon as well... though the air between the two Digimon was tight and awkward since they had been fighting only days before. They express shock upon learning they both work with Tomonori with Leon annoyed at the fact he'd hired Eiji to do things for him instead of having Leon do them since he was his assistant. Pulsemon pokes fun at Loogamon for only being able to get to the Champion level, something Loogamon isn't amused by, with the duo arguing over and over till their tamers put an end to it. As Leon tells Eiji he was the only person other than his dad that ever understood him, Hatsune and her friend, who had recently been hired to work for DDL, interrupt their conversation with Hatsune's friend fangirling over how cute the Digimon were. Hatsune was surprised to learn Leon and Eiji were friends, which was followed up by her friend fangirling over how hot she thought Leon was. Hatsune tells her friend not to harass employees of their boss, after which a big TV in the room plays the recent announcement from the leader of X Nation, in which he states he will get revenge against the hackers, with the four of them watching it. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-7 After breaking Eiji's heart by saying that hackers are lame dangerous depressed weirdos, Hatsune's friend is taken away from Eiji and Leon by Hatsune so that she would stop interrupting the boy's reunion. The surprise of the boys, their Digimon argue over which of the two girls was cuter. Eiji and Leon continue their conversation, which moves to how they should be treating their partners as actual lifeforms rather than AI. Eiji tells Leon how he had recently changed his perspective and began doing just that thanks to Tomonori, with the mood changing completely when Leon tells Eiji he should quit not just the Sons of Chaos but hacking as well. This angers Eiji, since he had to do work as a hacker to make money — unlike Leon who attended a prestigious university and had a well paying job as Tomonori's assistant. This outburst surprises Leon, since the Eiji he remembered had good grades and asks how he ended up down this path as a hacker instead of something more reputable. Eiji brings up WWW Airlines flight 626, which instantly upsets Leon due to his personal history with it. As Leon refuses to talk, Pulsemon interjects and talks about the event instead with Leon learning Eiji's parents were two of the 300 killed by Machinedramon that day. Leon was shook, since he considered it his fault it had happened, feeling even worse now he had learned his childhood best friend's parents were on board and he had been unable to save them. Now knowing Eiji's personal history, he becomes confused as to why Eiji would work as a hacker with Digimon when one was responsible for his parents deaths. Eiji states he doesn't blame the Digimon but instead blames the hackers and though he isn't proud of being a hacker it was the only way he could make a living. Working with Tomonori had finally had him feeling proud of himself, something he figured Leon would understand as he worked with him too. Leon asks what Tomonori has Eiji doing other than raising Loogamon, though Eiji tells him he isn't allowed to tell him and leaves saying he has an appointment with Tomonori to attend. Pulsemon gives Loogamon a bunch of files before he leaves, with Eiji saying they should do this again sometime but without all the complicated stuff. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-8 The files had food in them, and a message asking them to hang out again soon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-Intermission

As Leon returns home, he is greeted by Pulsemon who asks its partner if it wants a food or a bath. Leon is surprised and confused, with Pulsemon saying it had learned from Loogamon you're supposed to be polite and greet your superior when they come home. Leon protests, making it known that Pulsemon is his friend not his underling. He asks Pulsemon to look something up for him, with Pulsemon correctly assuming he wanted him to look up the passenger manifest of WWW Flight 626. With Leon wanting full confirmation of what he had discussed with Eiji earlier, Pulsemon searches the list and finds it has two Japanese citizens within it — almost certainly meaning Eiji's parents were onboard. Having failed to save Eiji parents, Leon declares he has no right to interfere in Eiji's life but still feels determined to get Eiji out of code cracking — even if it would cause Eiji to hate him. Pulsemon asks if they will have to fight Loogamon again, with Leon confirming they will have to do so if Eiji refuses to stop working as a code cracker. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-9

Just beyond the Rusted Coast, a Mindlinked Pulsemon/Leon look around for the leader of the SoC having heard a tip that that's where they'd be. Unable to pick up the readings for what they're looking for they do down to a floating island of garbage data but still unable to find anything, Pulsemon begins to doubt the information they had received. Leon trusted the information, since it came from a reliable source — with Pulsemon not trusting it as it could be a trap with the SoC potentially leading them into a trap to get revenge on them for ruining their plan in the X Nation's servers. Leon, to the surprise of Pulsemon, actually hopes it's a trap since it would mean he can take out more SoC hackers. Leon suddenly yells out for Pulsemon to stay sharp, with his partner being attacked out of no where by Loogamon.

Having been warned just in time by Leon, who had seen Loogamon just in time, Pulsemon is able to avoid most of the hit though does still take minor damage from it. Eiji reveals he was the one who had sent the fake message, as he figured Leon would have no choice but to fall for it since he would obviously want to take out Tartarus. Leon asks if he is there to represent the SoC as Tartarus's mouth piece with Eiji confirming he is. Leon assumed this means Eiji is one of the leaders of the entire group, and refuses to believe him when he states he is actually one of the newer members. Eiji tells him that though he was happy to have reunited with him, he was left with no choice but to fight him as he had made himself an enemy of the SoC. Eiji tells him that they had allowed Eiji himself to decide on Leon's punishment and that if Leon were to agree to never interfere with the SoC again, they'd let him get away with just an apology. Leon turns this down, though still considering Eiji to be his friend tells him to quit being a code cracker and would help him with money if that was the issue. Apparently feeling mocked, Eiji turns it down as he didn't want to be pitied and had no desire to quit due to how good he had gotten at his job. He tells Leon to stop interfering with his work, with Leon laughing as Ryusenji had gone through loads of code crackers in the past and had thrown them all away like the trash they were. As Eiji reacts angrily, he realizes he had lost track of Pulsemon with Loogamon realizing just in time to be able to avoid its attack. Leon tells Eiji to leave Ryusenji alone and to stop using him, as associating with code crackers will ruin his reputation. Eiji takes this as jealously, and with Leon seeing he had no way to talk Eiji down has Pulsemon warp digivolve to Boutmon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-10

During the battle against Eiji, Omegamon of the Royal Knights shows up and nearly kills Eiji. Not wanting his friend to die, Leon sacrifices himself and is able to separate Omegamon from Eiji. In doing so, his Mindlink time runs out and he becomes trapped within Kazuchimon's Digicore. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-Intermission At some point, Omegamon escapes with Kazuchimon reverting back to Pulsemon and falling unconscious.

When the Sons of Chaos defeat the DigiPolice and reach the source domain, Kosuke Kisakata hacks the three Prototype Digimon so that he can gain access to the source domain and use it to find his fiancée Saya Ryusenji and cure her of DMIA using a medicine given to him by Tomonori. Eiji had joined Kosuke's side, with Eiji's goal being to do the same thing with Leon.

Eiji asks Kosuke if he knew how to find Pulsemon's data, to which he states he doesn't as he only had the information for Saya's BlackAgumon. Loogamon points out it remembers Pulsemon's scent, feeling that'd be enough, whilst Eiji pulled out the medicine he was given by Tomonori to cure someone of DMIA. As Loogamon sends the scent data over to Kosuke, Yulin reacts in shock having learned Tomonori was part of the operation. As Kosuke continues to hack, letters only the Prototype Digimon would understand appear with the trio decoding it. Kosuke's monitor suddenly shuts off however, ending the hack, with Tomonori arriving and greeting the group with a cheery "good morning". Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-7

Everyone is confused by Tomonori's presence, which the professor fails to understand, as he is the one who asked them to raise the Prototype Digimon for him. Tomonori then restrains Loogamon and Dorumon with the same tool used on Ryudamon, bypassing both of their security systems. Loogamon realizes the restraint tool was installed in them from the start. Tomonori states the restraint tool is part of the research tools installed in the Digimon handled by Ryusenji Electronics and the Digimon Linker. Eiji realizes the Digimon Linker's monitoring of his health and Loogamon's progress is all being sent to DDL. Tomonori reveals he can forcibly take control of their Digimon whenever he wants, even when they are mindlinked, and that their Partner Digimon are his tools.

Yulin realizes that while the Prototype Digimon are meant to access the Source Domain, the Digimon Linkers are meant to be a bridge between the Real World and Digital World, granting Tomonori access to the Source Domain. Eiji realizes Tomonori's image is a video feed projected from their Digimon instead of being properly hololized. Loogamon regains its memory of being captured by DDL employees in the Wall Slum and having the restraint tool installed in it. Kosuke angrily reacts to Tomonori's actions. Tomonori starts to decrypt the Data part of the Source Domain's code with Dorumon's interface and states it's only right the leading expert on Digital World research be the one to do this. Kosuke gets angry because they were supposed to be on the same side, and he also wants to save Saya. Eiji asks Tomonori about Saya, trying to learn the full story.

Tomonori explains how he covered up the accident with the Tartarus probe to protect Kosuke and Yulin, and his promise to look after them even after they left Ryusenji Electronics. He also tells Kosuke and Yulin he's proud of having invested so much in them, and asks them to see his current actions as him calling back the favor they own him. Eiji continues his question, realizing it makes no sense for Tomonori to fight Kosuke if they are both trying to save Saya. Tomonori reveals he has no interest in looking for BlackAgumon, which confuses Eiji. Yulin asks Tomonori about a hunch she has had. Tomonori calls the universal directory information tree and summons an unconscious Pulsemon to the Source Domain, revealing one can easily search any Digimon by their identification code in the Depths of the Digital World.

Tomonori then summons BlackAgumon, also unconscious. The professor confirms his suspicion that a Partner Digimon survives their mindlinker's death. His words shock all in the room. Tomonori shows for a brief moment a video of Saya in a capsule full of colored fluid, revealing the videos he had been sending to Kosuke were fake, and Saya has been dead for a long time. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-8

Kosuke refuses to believe it, with Tomonori finding Kosuke's reaction boring — since he had predicted that's how he would react. He did find satisfaction in the fact the fake hope that she was alive allowed him to control Kosuke though, since it had allowed him to achieve his goals. Eiji yells out to Kosuke that they had found the BlackAgumon the Sons of Chaos had been looking for, with this snapping Kosuke back to reality. Still refusing to believe she was dead, he takes out the medicine that would sever her and her BlackAgumon's Mindlink connection. Tomonori tells Kosuke that the medicine was real, and would indeed work, and that the only thing he had lied about was the fact she had already died but asks him if he would be able to live with the consequences — what would happen if her consciousness had no body to return to? As he looked at the BlackAgumon, he found himself unable to administer the medicine. He didn't have it in him to find out if Tomonori was lying or not.

Tomonori's hacking finishes, with Dorumon screaming in pain — the pain causing it to pass out. Kosuke apologizes to his partner, with Tomonori telling the group they had no idea what Kosuke was going to do with the source domain once he had it. Kosuke tells Tomonori he hadn't needed to do any of this as he was simply going to give the credit to him anyway — since he only cared about Saya — though Tomonori didn't care as he was done with Kosuke. He would turn his attention to Ryudamon, and begin hacking it just like he had done to Dorumon moments before. Yulin asks Tomonori why he was doing this — since his daughter was dead — with Tomonori telling the group he was interested in the Source Digimon. Yulin tells him that trying to find it was too dangerous, to which he agrees, but had no desire to stop in his goals despite how dangerous it could be as it would satiate his boredom. Yulin tells him she had lost all respect for him, whilst Eiji declares him a traitor. Tomonori didn't care though, and tells them he was going to Mindlink with the Source Digimon.

Tomonori asks Eiji how he had betrayed him, to which Eiji changes his mind and decides he actually hadn't. He realizes that someone as talented and rich as Tomonori would never take interest in someone like Eiji unless it was to have him digivolve Loogamon, and so couldn't betray him as he was never really on Eiji's side in the first place. Tomonori tells him that he was the perfect candidate to raise Loogamon, since his entire family were dead and his DS levels with Loogamon were high and that had he told him about the plan — neither he nor Loogamon would've developed as well as they had. Seeing that Eiji had understood what had happened, he became confused as to why he had taken the side of Kosuke and Yulin. As Tomonori questions Eiji, Loogamon gets up and tells Tomonori to shut up. Having heard enough, Loogamon asks why Tomonori hadn't put a stop to its digivolution to Helloogarmon — since he had clearly been watching the battle — with Tomonori telling that watching the battle was more fun that stopping it, even had it resulted in Leon's death. This enraged the duo further, with Tomonori disappointed that they had supposedly betrayed him. He tells them that Leon knew his secret and had grown too strong — and so had to be dealt with.

Eiji and Loogamon still had the desire to save Leon and Pulsemon. Their hearts become one, with this allowing Loogamon to break free from the restraints. This shocks Tomonori, with Loogamon telling him that it can delete any foreign objects within its body with its flames. Tomonori pauses his hack on Ryudamon, and turns his attention to Loogamon. Eiji readies his Digimon Linker, and tells Tomonori that this wasn't going to end well for him. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-9

Tomonori had already hacked Dorumon, and, having paused his hacking of Ryudamon to hack Loogamon instead, tries to using his hacking tools to restrain it so that he could do so. As Eiji wonders how they would be able to stop him, since they couldn't attack a hologram, Loogamon tells its partner that the battle would most likely be against Tomonori's pawns. As he says that, Dorumon — having woken up during the conversation — attacks Loogamon. Eiji asks Kosuke why he had told Dorumon to attack them, though Kosuke — who had not been paying attention to what was going on as he was still wallowing in despair — looks at the commotion and asks why Dorumon was attacking them. This has Eiji realize Kosuke wasn't behind it, with him coming to the conclusion that someone else must've been controlling its actions. He asks Tomonori if he was the one doing it, to which he confirms he was as he had hacked into Kosuke's Mindlink — allowing him direct control of Dorumon's actions. He forces Dorumon to digivolve, with Dorumon digivolving all the way to the Mega level.

With Dorugoramon by his side, Tomonori asks Eiji if he was going to fight him or if he was going to join his side and allow him to complete the hack of the three Prototype Digimon. He tells him that if he helps him get access to the Source Digimon he would forgive his betrayal and would allow him to continue working for him. He states he would give him a free apartment, as much food as he wanted, and that if he took this offer one of the women working for him might fall in love with him — specifically naming Hatsune. He gives him to the count of ten to make his choice, with Eiji actually considering accepting since he could skip university and work for such a prestigious company and maybe even become one of the higher ups or use the money to make his own business. As it seems he was going to accept the deal, Loogamon reacts in shock, with Eiji explaining that he had already had a taste of the good life and wanted more. Tomonori reacts happily, and tells Eiji he will make sure he has a high salary, though Eiji reveals he was bluffing and instead was going to forge his own path by using the Digital World to bring people to together. Not amused by the deception, Tomonori gives him one last chance to reconsider but Eiji refuses and has Loogamon digivolve.

Soloogarmon attacks Dorugoramon, but its attack does nothing to its Mega level opponent. Tomonori sarcastically congratulates the duo on their attack. Yulin tells Eiji about Dorugoramon's attacks, and that it is very effective in both short and long range combat — with this leaving very little in the way of defeating it. Eiji is surprised upon hearing Yulin helping him, though she quickly points out the fact that Soloogarmon would lose from just one attack. Refusing that notion, Eiji and Soloogarmon declare they'll win and start mocking Tomonori. He sees through their ruse though, and tells them that since he isn't Mindlinking they wouldn't be able to stall him out and that all that would happen is that Kosuke would fall into DMIA — since Kosuke was actually the one Mindlinking with Dorugoramon. Even if that were to happen, Tomonori would still have control of Dorugoramon. Their plan thwarted, Soloogarmon uses its thrusters to fly into the air — in the hopes that it would be be able to avoid Dorugoramon's attacks and defeat it from the air. As Soloogarmon avoided the attacks, they notice Dorugoramon had suddenly stopped paying attention to them and realize it was now aiming its attack at Ryudamon and the others. Eiji was confused, since killing Ryudamon would make accessing the Source Digimon impossible, and realizes his actual target was Pulsemon. He was going to use Pulsemon as a hostage to get what he wanted. Not wanting his friend to die, Soloogarmon changes from aerial attacks to a direct attack but is easily defeated by Dorugoramon at close range. Tomonori tells Eiji he is lucky that he can't kill Soloogarmon, since he still needed it, and mocks the death of Eiji's parents. This further angers Eiji, with Tomonori telling him he had won since no matter what he did he still had Pulsemon. Tomonori motions to Pulsemon but reacts in shock when he sees that it, BlackAgumon, and Ryudamon were no longer there. One of Eiji's Tyrannomon arrives, with Tomonori realizing he had had his Tyrannomon do stuff whilst Tomonori was distracted with Soloogarmon. As Tomonori wonders where they had gone, he figures there was only one place they could be — the altar. Eiji and Soloogarmon try to tell the Tyrannomon to flee but they're too late, with Dorugoramon getting there within seconds. Dorogoramon attacks the Tyrannomon at the altar, though Soloogarmon is able to get there in time and block the attack — saving its allies. Tomonori becomes confused, since Eiji could easily replace the Tyrannomon, but Soloogarmon tells him to leave its friends out of their battle. Now even more determined to win, Eiji and Soloogarmon's hearts become even more linked — and with an even higher desire to save their friends — Soloogarmon digivolves to Fenriloogamon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-10

Eiji and Tomonori have a back and forth about their ideals, with Eiji declaring he would take Tomonori out. Tomonori tries to bribe Eiji again, but it fails once again after Loogamon snaps Eiji out nearly falling for it again. The talking over, Fenriloogamon attacks the mind controlled Dorugoramon.

Two of Eiji's Tyrannomon take the Mindlinked Yulin/Ryudamon, Pulsemon, and BlackAgumon to the nearby stone circles, with the third limping there having taken damage from Dorugoramon's previous attack. The group now safe, Yulin watches the battle between the two Mega level Digimon from afar. Kosuke Kisakata's hololized hologram had hitched a ride on the back of the injured Tyrannomon. He apologizes to Yulin, then approaches BlackAgumon with the syringe he hadn't been brave enough to use on it, wanting to put an end to the years of his life dedicated to saving his fiancée. Rather than use it though, he ends up just telling "Saya" how her father had taken everything from him. Yulin tries to comfort him, then tells him to watch with her to see what Eiji and Fenriloogamon could do. As they watch the battle between the two Mega level Digimon, Yulin and Kosuke praise Eiji for all he had achieved despite the many setbacks in his life — as well as how strong his resolve was to save his friends. Figuring he still had one more thing left to do, Kosuke uses the syringe on Pulsemon.

Pulsemon runs into battle, and joins Fenriloogamon's side. Pulsemon and Leon's voices speak at the same time, the two of them still connected, with Tomonori fascinated to see Leon's mind trying to split itself from Pulsemon's. The battle comes to a halt, with Tomonori wanting to watch the medical history unfold before his eyes — which gives Eiji and Leon/Pulsemon the time to catch up. As they talk, Leon/Pulsemon eventually notices Tomonori linked with Dorugoramon and asks why he was doing so. Tomonori tells him he was simply fighting the Sons of Chaos, and was currently in the middle of a battle with Eiji — claiming he was now one of the SoC's leaders. He uses his fake personality to try and smooth over Leon, telling him that they had finally managed to reach the Digital World, but that Eiji and the Sons of Chaos were trying to ruin it for him and so they should team up to stop Eiji. Eiji defends himself and tells Leon/Pulsemon that the enemy was Tomonori and not him, prompting Pulsemon to quickly digivolve to Bulkmon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-11

After Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi defeats DexDorugoramon Eiji has it revert to Loogamon and Pulsemon then cuts the Mindlink as he had ran out of time. Epilogue

Afterwards, everyone agrees to not say a word about what happened, though most of the information ended up leaking anyway. Tomonori flees Japan and goes to the America, though he ends up not getting into any trouble as what he did wasn't actually illegal. Despite now being enemies with Tomonori, Tomonori apparently didn't seem to mind as he still made occasional contact with Eiji and Leon and continued to pay them both. Leon still ended up moving out of the apartment though. Since he was only in a coma for a small amount of time, his rehabilitation was short and he continued his studies at the university. He also become a preeminent researcher of DMIA treatment and recovery, though still continued his "career" as the hacker Judge.

Around a year after later, Eiji invites his human friends to a birthday party in a yakitori restaurant. Their partners go to the Wall Slums and sit waiting for their partners. Bored, Loogamon brings out food and home made Loogamon branded alcohol — starting a party of its own. They, alongside the other Wall Slum Digimon, watch as Eiji's three Tyrannomon dance. Pulsemon asks Loogamon if it had regained its memories, since it regained some every time it digivolved, though Loogamon simply says "maybe" instead of actually answering. It tells it that it was the past, it would rather focus on the future, and that it wanted to help Eiji have a good life. Pulsemon was amazed by this answer, and the two go back to drinking. After a little more alcohol, Pulsemon asks if Loogamon had invited Kosuke — and as Loogamon tells it that Eiji had invited him it is surprised when a Mindlinked Dorugoramon shows up. It, Kosuke, and BlackAgumon had now shown up to the Digimon's party — with Kosuke asking where Eiji was. Loogamon tells him he was on his way, and as they wait — they do a toast. As they toast, Eiji and the others arrive. Epilogue

Other forms[]


When Leon Alexander was young he visited Abadin Electronics with his father. Whilst there, Tomonori Ryusenji had shown Leon a video of the Digital World, followed up by him giving him Digimon Dock with a Digi-Egg on it figuring he could raise the Digimon well. Leon eventually hatched the Digi-Egg into Dokimon and began raising his partner Digimon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6


Dokimon b

Dokimon is Pulsemon's Fresh form.[1]

After Dokimon hatched, it quickly digivolved to Bibimon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6


Bibimon b

Bibimon is Pulsemon's In-Training form.[1]

After digivolving from Dokimon, Bibimon quickly digivolved to Pulsemon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6


Bulkmon b

Bulkmon is Pulsemon's Champion form.[2]

After being defeated by Machinedramon, Leon Alexander and Pulsemon trained for a long time over many years. During this period, Pulsemon gained the ability to digivolve to Bulkmon and Boutmon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6

During the battle between the Tomonori-linked Dorugoramon and Fenriloogamon, Bulkmon quickly digivolves from Pulsemon, then continues onward to Boutmon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-11


Boutmon b

Boutmon is Pulsemon's Ultimate form.

After being defeated by Machinedramon, Leon Alexander and Pulsemon trained for a long time over many years. During this period, Bulkmon eventually gained the ability to digivolve to Boutmon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6

Leon somehow learns about the Sons of Chaos's plan to hack in the X Nation's server and get revenge against them for framing them for crimes they had committed with Machinedramon, with him possibly having learned from Tomonori Ryusenji who had learned about it from Eiji Nagasumi. Leon and Pulsemon lie in wait near Machinedramon for the Sons of Chaos to arrive. When they do, Pulsemon digivolves to Kazuchimon and ambushes them. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-4 Having defeated Marvin Jackson's Megadramon and killed Machinedramon Leon demands to know where Tartarus was and tells the SoC he will ruin their reputation as he had heard none of their missions had ever resulted in one of their members dying. Feeling cocky, Leon has Kazuchimon de-digivlve to Boutmon figuring that as he had already taken out Megdramon and Machinedramon he no longer needed to waste some of his Mindlink time at Mega as he would still be able to kill the other seven with his partner at the Ultimate level. Loogamon points out that as Leon was mindlinking he was on a time limit as well, and figures they could save everyone by stalling long enough. Loogamon digivolves to Loogarmon and attacks Boutmon, with the force of its attack enough to stop it before it could reach Megadramon. Leon is surprised at just how strong Loogarmon was, with Eiji mocking Leon, telling him that he had actually de-digivolved as he was almost out of time. Megadramon wakes up, with Marvin telling everyone to flee as well as telling Leon he had committed a grave mistake in making an enemy of the SoC. After that threat, Boutmon de-digivolves to Pulsemon, meaning Eiji was possibly right and Leon had ran out of time. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-5

When Pulsemon and Loogamon fight on a floating island of garbage data, Eiji having tricked Leon into going there by sending him a fake message that Tartarus would be there, Leon has Pulsemon warp digivolve to Boutmon. Eiji reacts by having Loogamon digivolve to Loogarmon, though this only disappoints Leon since they're still stuck at the Champion level. Unlike in their previous head to head battle, Loogarmon would use the flames of its Howling Burner to hide and upon Boutmon putting the flames out with its own attacks is surprised when Loogarmon had just been stood there doing nothing. This shock lasts long enough for Loogarmon to launch a counter attack at Boutmon, and before it can even do anything, is attacked from three separate directions from a sneak attack by Eiji's three Tyrannomon. It takes the brunt of the four separate attacks, with Leon confused as to how Boutmon hadn't picked up on them being there. Boutmon states it couldn't due the amount of junk data that was there, and that they had fallen right into Eiji's trap. Boutmon is able to shrug off the flames, as Eiji yells out about how he's going to defeat Leon even if he has to play sneaky to do so. As their attacks clash, Boutmon is able to overpower Loogarmon's flames and get in direct hits against its lower levelled opponent — but is unable to get many of them in as the Tyrannomon's distant attacks are able to distract Boutmon long enough to allow Loogarmon to distance itself. Realizing he wasn't going to win against four opponents who were just trying to wear them down and win in a long drawn out battle Leon decides to have Boutmon digivolve to Kazuchimon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-10

During the battle between the Tomonori-linked Dorugoramon and Fenriloogamon, Boutmon quickly digivolves from Bulkmon, then continues onward to Kazuchimon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-11


  • Lightning Heel (雷撃踵 Raigekishou?): Lands an axe kick into the opponent's skull with lightning.
  • Buden Blast (武電破弾 Budenhadan?, lit. "Violent Lightning Destructive Shot"): Fires oversized energy shots from its held-out palms.
  • Storm of Blows (迅雷廻天戟 Jinrai Kaitengeki?, lit. "Thunderclap Tide-turning Fight"): Dishes out a series of kicking and punching techniques without giving the opponent a chance to strike back.


Kazuchimon b

Kazuchimon is Pulsemon's Mega form.

After being defeated by Machinedramon, Leon Alexander and Pulsemon trained for a long time over many years. During this period, Pulsemon gained the ability to digivolve to Kazuchimon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-6

Leon somehow learns about the Sons of Chaos's plan to hack in the X Nation's server and get revenge against them for framing them for crimes they had committed with Machinedramon, with him possibly having learned from Tomonori Ryusenji who had learned about it from Eiji Nagasumi. Leon and Pulsemon lie in wait near Machinedramon for the Sons of Chaos to arrive. When they do, Pulsemon digivolves to Kazuchimon and ambushes them, easily defeating Marvin Jackson's Megadramon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-4 Eiji and Loogamon looked on in shock – unaware of who had even defeated it. They panic, looking over Megadramon, worried for Marvin since if it takes enough damage it could kill not only Megadramon, but Marvin as well. The other SoC members arrive, and ask Eiji why they hadn't captured Machinedramon yet. They see Marvin's Megadramon knocked out and wonder who had done it, since they had acted as a decoy to keep most of X Nations defences busy. Kazuchimon proceeds to defeat every member of the SoC, including Loogamon, with the SoC members realizing who it was as only Leon Alexander was known to own a Kazuchimon. Unable to do anything, they watch as Kazuchimon kills the still trapped Machinedramon. Leon tells it to return to being a Digi-Egg and hopes that upon its revival it would be taken in by a nice person, rather than an evil hacker. He tells the SoC that he had decided to help their operation to stop X Nation doing crimes but couldn't allow them the pleasure of doing it themselves as he hated all hackers. Loogamon tells Eiji they need to flee as the mission was a failure, with Eiji refusing to leave Megadramon/Marvin behind. Loogamoon protests as they weren't friends with Marvin, but Eiji refuses to budge as he thought Marvin was as nice guy and he actually had become friends with him. He tells the other members to get Megadramon to safety, and as they do so he will distract Kazuchimon. The other members doubt he could defeat a Mega but Eiji simply tells them to do as he says. As they try to do so, Leon demands to know where Tartarus was and tells the SoC he will ruin their reputation as he had heard none of their missions had ever resulted in one of their members dying. Feeling cocky, Leon has Kazuchimon de-digivlve to Boutmon figuring that as he had already taken out Megdramon and Machinedramon he no longer needed to waste some of his Mindlink time at Mega as he would still be able to kill the other seven with his partner at the Ultimate level. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-5

When Leon and Eiji fight on a floating island of garbage data, Eiji having tricked Leon into going there by sending him a fake message that Tartarus would be there, Eiji uses Loogarmon and his three Tyrannomon use sneak attacks and hit and run tactics to wear Boutmon down since they couldn't beat them any other way. Realizing he wasn't going to win against four opponents who were just trying to wear them down and win in a long drawn out battle Leon decides to have Boutmon digivolve to Kazuchimon. Seeing the Tyrannomon terrified of the Mega level enemy, Eiji recalls them to his Digimon Linker. Leon was surprised at him doing so, though tells him he'll never have to think about plans again after he murders him. Before they can react, they are trapped within Kazuchimon's Shido Ittetsu — meaning they could no longer escape. Leon suddenly declares that he had made a mistake, confusing Eiji, with Leon saying that Eiji didn't want money or sympathy — he wanted failure. He tries again to convince Eiji to give up code cracking but Eiji again refuses as he wants to be able to change his own miserable life with his own hands. Eiji demands for Loogarmon to digivolve further, wanting to win, and Leon, having given up on changing Eiji's mind, decides he will finish him off with Kazuchimon's most powerful attack. Refusing to lose and seeing they have no chance to avoid the attack, Eiji once again demands Loogarmon to digivolve. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-10

Eiji's information had been shut off and he instead was looking at a blue screen within his partner's DigiCore, unaware of what was going on and unable to provide any commands. Loogarmon had indeed digivolved, with the newly digivolved Helloogarmon fangs stuck right in Kazuchimon's throat. Though he is unable to get control again, Eiji is able to confirm Loogarmon had digivolved after hitting the device. Though he wanted to win, he realized the digivolution was a mistake as his newly digivolved partner was out of control. Leon even confirms this for him, as he yells out that his partner had lost control and the digivolution had failed. Remembering back to how Ryusenji had told him there was no such thing as a success or failure in digivolution, Eiji refuses to accept it as a failure, even with Leon continuing to insist it was. Since Eiji was no longer able to control his partners actions, Leon informs he had dug his own grave by forcing this digivolution to happen and is shocked when Eiji declares he had forced the digivolution so that he could defeat Leon even if it came at a cost like this. Upon seeing Helloogarmon though, he once again considers it a mistake and tries to talk his partner down but his words came to nothing. Shocked at the fact an Ultimate level Digimon could damage a Mega level, Leon becomes even more shocked when his device warns him about the C level and that he would need to sever his Mind Link soon. This has Eiji mock Leon, stating he too had dug his own grave. Seeing just how far Eiji had gone just to defeat Leon, he apologizes to his childhood friend — feeling responsible for what had just happened. Eiji realizes Helloogarmon manifested due to his own jealously and hidden desire to kill Leon due to said jealously and apologizes, having lost the will to fight despite knowing he has to win no matter what. Sensing this, Leon yells out for Eiji to focus as his willpower would be the only thing able to stop Helloogarmon's rampage. No matter what he did though, he was unable to get a single command through only getting error message after error message. Kazuchimon is unable to move, overwhelmed by the power of Helloogarmon, with Eiji yelling out for Leon to just run away to save themselves as their time was about to run out. Leon though, refuses to do so unless Eiji agrees to quit code cracking. Confused as to why he would risk his life just to try and stop Eiji's hacking, he demands to know why with Leon simply saying he had a reason as to why was doing what he was doing. He then brings up WWW Flight 626, telling Eiji there was more to the story but before he could finish his sentence Kazuchimon had managed to break free from Helloogarmon, the wolf's squeal cutting Leon off. It throws Helloogarmon into the electrified walls of Shido Ittetsu, the pain taking both Eiji and Helloogarmon out of the action. Eiji tries to restore access to the monitor to either heal his partner, or at least de-digivolve it back to Loogamon, and as he tries, Leon tells him the truth about the flight — that the X Nation's Machinedramon was responsible for it. Though Eiji was aware a Digimon was involved, he had no clue it was Machinedramon, but figured he would still have followed orders to capture Machinedramon rather than get revenge against it. Leon apologizes for it, with Eiji confused since he didn't think Leon had anything to do with it. Leon tells him that he was part of the team trying to stop Machinedramon and had failed, and as such blamed himself for Eiji's parents deaths with Eiji confused as to why he would apologise over it as it wasn't his fault, it was the X Nation's fault. Leon tells Eiji it is his job to stop evil code crackers and that he needs to stop Eiji, as he himself might end up causing his own terrorist attacks once day with Eiji annoyed as as he would never do such a thing. Rather than kill Eiji, he changes his mind and decides instead to save him from the code crackers and with enough time left for one last attack before his Mindlink time was up decides he will use it to stop Helloogarmon. As he's about to do so however, the barrier created by Shido Ittetsu is ripped open by a vortex with both Tamers surprised to see that Omegamon of the Royal Knights had just arrived via the vortex. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-11

As it joins the battle, it freezes Helloogarmon in place with the freezing temperature of the ice enough to temporarily knock Eiji out. Helloogarmon was no longer a threat. Accepting that it was all over, and he and his partner were going to die, Eiji could only watch as Omegamon readied to pierce Helloogarmon's body with its Transcendent Sword. As Leon had just resolved to save his childhood friend, he refuses to let the Royal Knight kill him and has Kazuchimon tackle it. The tackle sends both of them into the vortex, away from Helloogarmon. As Eiji's screams become more and more faint, Leon apologizes to him even if he cant hear it, having simply wanted to save his childhood friend. As the two Digimon fall further into the vortex, Omegamon is able to break free from Kazuchimon's grasp but Leon reacts by having Kazuchimon use Shido Ittetsu which makes it so that Omegamon would be unable to escape. He had no desire to allow Omegamoon to kill Eiji, even if it would cost him his own life. Leon's device sends constant alerts, telling him he had used up all his Mindlinking time. Kazuchimon continues to cling to Omegamon. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-12 This causes Leon to go into DMIA, putting him into a coma due to having spent too long Mindlinking. Hacker Leon: WWW Airlines flight 626 Chapter 2-Intermission

During the battle between the Tomonori-linked Dorugoramon and Fenriloogamon, Boutmon quickly digivolves to Kazuchimon. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-11

Tomonori and Eiji both yell out for Leon to take their side, with Kazuchimon answering by attacking Dorugoramon. Tomonori was shocked, and asks why he had turned on him. Leon/Kzuchimon tell him that Kosuke was the one who had saved him, and that Eiji was the one who had been looking for him the entire time — with Tomonori having used them as blackmail to try and stop Eiji in combat. He reveals he had heard everything that had happened even though Pulsemon was unconscious and states that though he could never stand beside a code cracker under normal circumstances — he could put it aside for now as he was even more against someone trying to cause an irrational loss of life in the Digital World by wanting to play God. Leon/Kazuchimon tell Eiji that they could trust him more than Tomonori, as Eiji having unlocked his partner's Mega form showed he was worth trusting compared to Tomonori who had caused Dorumon to digivolve to Mega by force. Before the battle continues, Eiji tells Tomonori the main reason lost his trust for him was because he wasn't Mindlinking and risking his life and was instead just controlling Dorugoramon from within the safety of his office. Tomonori tries to defend himself, saying the mission only had a fifty percent chance of working — meaning he didn't want to risk his life over something that might not actually succeed — though Leon/Kazuchimon tell him that such cowardice means he will be unable to win the battle. Leon/Kazuchimon offers Tomonori the chance to surrender, since it was now two against one, though he refuses as he thinks it's his former employees who had no chance of winning. He starts to hack, reminding the duo he had gained access to the source code, and as he does, Kosuke's hologram collapses. Yulin freaks out, confused as to what was going on, with Eiji and Leon/Kazuchimon noticing something was happening to Dorugoramon's DigiCore. Large amounts of data begins to pour into Dorugoramon's DigiCore via its interface, with everyone realizing that if it continued — Dorugoramon would die as its body would be unable to handle that much data. Wanting to save Dorugoramon, the two Mega Digimon try to attack it — but are too late. Dorugoramon, in a bid not to die, began Death-X-evolution. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-11

Fenriloogamon and Kazuchimon try to stop it before it could complete the digivolution, but were unable to do so. Eiji compares the situation to when Loogarmon digivolved to Helloogarmon, whilst Tomonori boasts about having learned about Death-X-evolution via the source code and had decided to put it into action right away so that he could use it to defeat his new found enemies. Eiji, seeing DexDorugoramon, is reminded of his now deceased dog and realizes that Dorugoramon was dead. Instead, it was now a zombie with its mind being controlled by a virus. It had even taken in the data of various other DigiCores, technically no longer being just Dorugoramon. Tomonori realizes that DexDorugoramon was now the closest being to the Source Digimon, and that if he continued he would finally gain access to said Digimon, and has DexDorugoramon attack its enemies. As Fenriloogamon and Kazuchimon are taken out with only one attack, Eiji and Leon — their Digimon suffering from the effect of the attack — discuss the fact that DexDorugoramon was this strong with only one third of the source domain's power and that they could not allow him to win and gain the rest of the data by hacking Loogamon and Ryudamon. If they allowed it to happen, he would gain access to the Source Digimon and could rule the World. At this point, Tomonori yells out he no longer had control of DexDorugoramon and had instead had managed to program it to work in auto pilot and had commanded it to eat the DigiCores of Loogamon and Ryudamon so that it could become the ultimate Prototype Digimon. As the battle continues, Leon tells Eiji to flee — since they could not allow it to eat Loogamon's DigiCore — and tells him he will fight in his place as thanks for saving him. Eiji refuses though, telling him he was done running away and crying as he had done enough of that after seeing Leon fall into DMIA. Leon tries to change his mind, though Fenriloogamon tells him to shut up and that they were not going to abandon their friends. Surprised they still wanted to be friends, Leon confides in Eiji that he didn't think he had it in him to defeat Tomonori because of what they had been through but wonders if he could do it with Eiji, Pulsemon, and Loogamon by his side. He tells Eiji that, although they were on different sides, he still believed in him, with Kazuchimon putting his hand against Fenriloogamon's interface. Leon tells Eiji he had earned Kazuchimon's power, this causing their partners to Fuse together — the duo becoming one as Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi. Sons of Chaos: Seekers Chapter 4-12


  • Shinden Shouraiko (神電召雷光 Shinden Shouraikou?, lit. "Divine Electricity-summoned Lightning"): Finishes the enemy off by condensing the electrical energy in its surroundings and then firing an ultra-high density shot of lightning.
  • Nito Seirai (二刀勢雷 Nitou Seirai?, lit. "Dual Sword Stance Lightning"): Cuts down the enemy with the lightning swords it holds by dual wielding them.

Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 BT17-003: Bibimon
  2. BT17-034: Bulkmon