Paomon is a Slime Digimon. Unlike other Digimon that developed naturally, it is an artificial Digimon that was created through human effort to be used for appreciation and rearing. Although there is no shortage of Digimon at the Rookie stage whose configuration program is remodeled through human effort, Digimon artificially created from the Fresh stage are rare. According to one theory, it was developed jointly by research groups in Shanghai, Taiwan, and Okinawa, but its birthplace is not certain.[3]
- San no Awa (酸の泡? lit. "Acid Bubbles"): Spits resilient, acidic bubbles to intimidate the opponent.
- Tsumo[4] (Tummo): Releases a high-frequency wave that is an effective charm against evil.
- Paomon (パオモン)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.
D-Ark Version 2.0[]
Digimon Frontier: Island of the Lost Digimon[]
Digimon Battle[]
Paomon can be found and captured in Park Town, where it is a level 10 enemy. Paomon's unique drop is Paomon's Fur. It has a stat build of 3-2-2-1 as a captured Digimon and a stat build of 4-2-3-1 as an enemy Digimon. Paomon's Skill 1 is Tsumo, which is a distant single target skill. Paomon digivolves to Labramon at level 11.
Digimon Soul Chaser[]
Paomon digivolves to Xiaomon.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Xiaomon: "It is a four-legged Digimon that evolved from Paomon."
- ↑ D-ARK Version 2
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Paomon
- ↑ This attack actually belongs to its digivolution Xiaomon but was given to Paomon in Digimon Battle.