Omegamon Alter-S is a Holy Warrior Digimon. It is a new face of Omnimon that was born from the fusion of the WarGreymon subspecies, BlitzGreymon, and the MetalGarurumon subspecies, CresGarurumon. Although it is a different individual from the Omnimon belonging to the Royal Knights, its multitype performance, which combines the special qualities of the two, hasn't changed, and its strength is also on par with it. It is a mystery how the two Digimon came to fuse together, and whether this Omegamon is also due to someone's powerful will or a fusion that exists solely due to some sort of wish is unclear.[6]
- Garuruzoid[7] (Garuru Sword): A slash attack from its fully charged Garuru Sword. Its "Garuru Sword" varies in slashing power due to the amount of energy it accumulates at the center of its sword. There is nothing that cannot be cut by a slash attack from its fully charged Garuru Sword.
- Transcendent Cannon[8] (Grey Cannon): Fires plasma from its BlitzGreymon-shaped turret.
Omegamon Alter-S resembles Omegamon. It has red horns and wears multiple belts on its chest, and its cape is now black and grey. Its pauldrons are larger and have golden spikes. Its left hand ends with a BlitzGreymon head with a large gold front horn while its right hand is a CresGarurumon head. It has a rhombus red gem with a golden frame on its chest. It also has a golden spike on each side on the waist, and a gold spike on each knee. It carries the "Garuru Sword" on its right arm, and the "Grey Cannon" on its left arm; this is an inversion from the "Grey Sword" and "Garuru Cannon" of other Omegamon variants.
- Omegamon Alter-S (オメガモンAlter-S)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise. Some Japanese media spell "Alter-S" in Katakana (アルターエス)[9]
- (El:) Omega (Ω?). From I am the Alpha and the Omega (Ἐγώ εἰμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω Egō eimi to Alpha kai to Omega?)
- (En:) Alter-S
Omegamon Alter-S was first mentioned in Omegamon Alter-B's profile, which was added in an update patch for Digimon World: Next Order. It debuted on the Digimon Reference Book on March 23, 2017.
Digimon Adventure:[]
Digimon Links[]
Omegamon Alter-S digivolves from CresGarurumon and BlitzGreymon.
Digimon Masters[]
Omegamon Alter-S is a Jogress level Digimon that Jogresses from CresGarurumon and BlitzGreymon and can digivolve to Omegamon Alter-B.
Digimon ReArise[]
Omegamon Alter-S is an Ultra level Digimon that some instances digivolves from BlitzGreymon. The Digivolution is depicted as a DNA Digivolution between BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon.
Digimon Battle[]
Omegamon Alter-S digivolves from BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon.
Digimon New Century[]
Omegamon Alter-S is an Ultra level Digimon that DNA digivolves from BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ Omegamon Alter-S is a Jogress Digimon in Digimon Masters and an Ultra Digimon in Digimon ReArise.
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Omegamon Alter-S: "A new side of Omegamon born from the fusion of "BlitzGreymon", a subspecies of WarGreymon, and "CresGarurumon", a subspecies of MetalGarurumon."
- ↑ Digimon World: Next Order: Omegamon Alter-S lost its identity and went out of control after being injected with Black Digitron
- ↑ Digimon Adventure:, "The End of the Adventure" [67]
- ↑ BT3-112: Omnimon Alter-S
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Omegamon Alter-S
- ↑ This attack retains its original name of "Garuru Sword" in Digimon Masters and is named "Supreme Sword" in Digimon ReArise
- ↑ This attack retains its original name of "Grey Cannon" in Digimon Masters
- ↑ Digivice: virtual pet