This article is about the Appmon species known as Navimon. For the Digimon species also known as Navimon, see Navimon. |
Navimon is a Navi Appmon. An Appmon that searches for shortcuts to a destination and provides directions. Just like the arrows on its hands, it has a straightforward personality and absolutely hates detours and detours. [2]
- Navigation Arrow: Tags targets with navigation pins and attacks with explosive homing arrows.
- Shock Attack Marker
Navimon is a bipedal android-like creature with green skin adorned with map-like markings, map-pin shaped blades in place of its ears and arms, and wheels for feet, all of which reference its relation to a navigation app. It has an arrow shaped protrusion over its eyes and a yellow scarf. Its general, streamlined design is also a reference to ninja. Like most Appmon, it has two cables on its back to allow Applink.
- Navimon (ナビモン)
Official romanization given by Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters and used in the franchise.
- (En:) Navigation.