LACUNA (ラクーナ Rakūna?), sometimes formatted as Lacuna, is a cyberspace within the video game Digimon Liberator. It was formed via a fusion of mapping data from the Real World.[1] Players are able to log in at arcades in which they can full dive into LACUNA by connecting their D-STORAGE to the T.A.L.E. Welcome to LACUNA
Most real Digimon can only survive a few days at most inside LACUNA, as LACUNA's environment isn't conducive for Digimon to survive. This can be circumvented by sealing Digimon into cards, allowing Digimon to live there. REAL (Part 2) Alternatively, wild Digimon can be possessed by a Maquinamon — which will allow them to survive. DEBUG.6-2 Unchained The GMs and debug team thought it was wild Digimon possessing NPC to survive, which would "make the NPC go rogue" REAL (Part 2) but this was actually just the Macquinamon controlling the wild Digimon/NPC under the orders of Unchained so that they would be defeated by players — which would make the players better duellists. DEBUG.6-2 Unchained
LACUNA is divided into seven islands; Emerald Coast, Ruby Mountain, Jewel, Amethyst City, Lapis Marine, Obsidian Desert, and Amber Remains.[1]
The game's story is single player, in which LACUNA was a sprawling metropolis with a highly advanced civilization of Digimon. 300 years in the past, the inhabitants vanished with LACUNA instead populated by robots and androids and the robots/androids having sealed almost all of the Digimon within trading cards. A Human from an unspecified dying planet is sent out to survey LACUNA hoping to see if it was an acceptable place for the entire population to migrate, with this human being the player.[1]
Emerald Coast[]
Emerald Coast (エメラルドコースト Emerarudo Kosuto?), referred to as the Invasive Forest City (侵森都市 Shin Mori Toshi?), is one of the seven islands in LACUNA.[1]
Its atmosphere feels like a post-apocalyptic World. It has a station — in which there's a shopping mall within — a research station, a rest area, and many other buildings. Its landmark is the giant tree in the middle. It mostly has skyscrapers, though does have a few Japanese styled buildings and has some south-east Asian styled ruins. Due to how peaceful it is, many players set up their base of operations here.[1]
Emerald Coast's quests are split into two types. The first is to defeat a certain amount of NPCs within a time limit. The other is to answer quizzes given by NPCs. The quiz style quests are exclusive to Emerald Coast and range from easy questions such as the name of Digimon or hard questions about how to solve complex scenarios set up in card battles. The higher level the quest, the better the reward — with most rewards being cosmetic items for a player's D-STORAGE. Players who solve difficult questions have a chance for the reward to be a new ability for their Tamer card. Quiz NPCs are very popular, with social media videos featuring them getting a large amount of views. Supposedly there is a rare NPC with really hard questions that has amazing rewards but no one has ever actually seen this NPC despite many players searching for it. Players are so interested in the myth of this NPC, search groups have been set up to try and find it.[1]
Emerald Coast is the tutorial area of Digimon Liberator, with most of the NPCs there being weak. The NPCs mostly use green cards and tend to lose on purpose unless their opponent makes a massive mistake and so feel like punishing them for doing so. As such, beginner players start their journey here. The main scenario of Digimon Liberator starts here, with some of the NPCs allowing the players to begin the story's prologue. The prologue has players arrive in Emerald Coast, in which they meet an NPC named Makina. Makina was on the verge of shutting down and is able to complete its mission just in time, to give the last person it speaks to some Digimon trading cards. Makina shuts down, and with the player having their own Deck — they are able to venture out into the World to fight the robots/androids.[1]
Pteromon claims to be the leader of the island, and helps out those it finds in need. DigitalGate Open
During Shoto Kazama's first three months playing the game he got really good at answering the NPC's questions and got a rare reward of an ability for his Tamer card.[1]
Emerald Coast is where Shoto and Arisa Kinosaki have their friendly duel. As it ends, Frozen Knight and its Bulucomon, from an unspecified island, chase Shoemon all the way the the Emerald Coast. Shoemon asks the humans for help, with Shoto protecting it by defeating the rogue NPC. Welcome to LACUNA DigitalGate Open Out of Control (Part 1) Out of Control (Part 2)
In one part of the City, Yuuki challenges a main story NPC who uses a deck focusing on EX7-047: Tlalocmon. She loses so fast that her friend Winr is unable to analyse its deck. DEBUG.2-1 Winr. Wanting to learn how to defeat the NPC so he could teach Yuuki how to beat it, Winr challenges the NPC and is able to defeat it. DEBUG.2-2 GOOD GAME
Ruby Mountain[]
Ruby Mountain (ルビーマウンテン Rubī Maunten?) is one of the seven islands in LACUNA.
It has multiple active volcanos, with their smoke and ash covering the sky. The only light comes from the magma. Endless rocks line the floors, with lava filling large parts of the area and the sounds of the lava being the only background noise. Despite all this, players won’t actually feel the heat since the game isn't programmed for them to feel the it. Just seeing it could cause players dehydration issues though, with their mind registering how hot it's supposed to be. Most NPCs don't dare to enter the Ruby Mountain. DEBUG.1-1 Yuuki
Ruby Mountain is where Yuuki duel the rogue NPC that uses a deck focused on EX7-046: Metallicdramon and EX7-014: Volcanicdramon. She loses her first duel against it, though wins a rematch after constructing a new deck. DEBUG.1-1 Yuuki DEBUG.1-2 HEAVY METAL PLAY
Jewel (ジュエル Jueru?), referred to as the Central District (中央府 lit. "Central Government"?), is one of the seven islands in LACUNA.
It where E.G.G, the the computer that observes and chronicles everything that happens in LACUNA, is located, with the entire City having been built around it. Regular players are not permitted access to it, with many not even knowing/having forgot that it had been built around said computer.
Jewel is the first place players arrive when logging into the game, and is where the most important parts of the game are located. After meeting Makina, the game's story sends the player here.
It is the only area connected to the other six, and so is the only way access the other islands. Instead of using the regular portals, the player can pay an NPC to teleport them there instead (which may help lower waiting times in busy periods) and this can even lead to secret areas that can't be accessed otherwise. This is often a trap though, where the NPC takes them to an area with a high level NPC that they get forced to duel. These NPCs will usually offer travel for a low price or for free, causing a high amount of new players to fall for the trick. Some NPCs instead will give the player a tour of the island.
It has a lot of skyscrapers, making it seem cold and sterile when seen from afar. When looking closer, many of the buildings take from various cultures, making Jewel very exotic.
Jewel has a lot of shops, making it a popular location. Shops include clothing stores, card stores, accessory stores, and stores that sell specialised D-STORAGEs — as well as many other types of stores. If a player isn't sure of what to buy, nearby NPC can analyse the stores to tell players about current deals, give suggestions on what to buy, and tell them what items are currently popular. There are buildings that allow players to trade items with each other.
Jewel has its own Free Battle Area. Unlike everywhere else in the game, Digimon aren't able to be summoned from cards there — making duels easier for beginners. Many NPCs hang out there, allowing players to duel them should they want to avoid duelling other players. Many players stay here to watch others duels, so they can learn how to play the game. This is the only area within Jewel in which players are allowed to duel against each other.
Jewel is where the Game Master/Admin's meeting facility is. This is where players can go to talk to the game's staff — though players do need to make an appointment first.[2]
Amethyst City[]
Amethyst City (アメジストシティ Amejisuto Shiti?), referred to as the Sky Spire Corridor (尖鋭天廊 Sen'ei Ten Rō?, lit. "Sharp Sky Gallery"), is one of the seven islands in LACUNA.[3]
At the start of the game, only certain parts of Amethyst City could be explored. After the one week maintenance, more of the City's areas were made available.[3]
The NPCs here use purple decks.[3]
Lapis Marine[]
Lapis Marine (ラピスマーリンズ Rapisu Mārinzu?, lit. "Lapis Marines"), known as the Ever-Sunny Seascape (連晴海岸 Ren Hare Kaigan?), is one of the seven islands in LACUNA.
Lapis Marine has a vast ocean, which has a white sandy beach alongside it. Although it is almost always sunny — it does rain on rare occasions. In the times it does rain, some players have claimed a rare NPC with a powerful deck shows up — though this information is unconfirmed.
In the ocean, players can jet-ski, dive in, and fish. If wanting to fish, players need to find a NPC with a boat and pay it to take them to a designated fishing spot. Some fish give small rewards if caught and if a player is able to catch every single type of fish — they will be given a big reward.
In the nearby City, the shops sell various outfits — with Lapis Marine being famous for its stores selling swimsuits and Hawaiian themed shirts. There are also changing rooms, to allow players to change clothes or try them on. Some of the stores sell food and drinks, with the drinks coming with buffs that do things such as increasing the drop rate for rare items.
Away from the ocean is the rugged rocky coastline, which is filled with high level NPCs to duel.
On the top of the cliffs is the Lapis Stadium Tower Lighthouse. This Lighthouse hosts tournaments, sometimes weekly — sometimes bi-weekly, and is where most of the larger events and tournaments take place. Even if players don't want to take part in tournaments, when they take place limited time NPCs will hang out nearby — allowing players to duel them for unique rewards. A long bridge separates the lighthouse from the City.[4]
Cool Boy teleports himself, Shoto Kazama, Arisa Kinosaki, Owen Dreadnought, Yao Qinglan and their partners from Garden to Lapis Marine so that Shoto could duel Yao (with the others watching). They couldn't due in Garden, as it was very likely the wild Digimon there would involve themselves in said duel. So that they wouldn't be seen by other players, they were teleported inside the lighthouse. Vortex Resonance (Part 1)
Obsidian Desert[]
Obsidian Desert (オブシディアンデザート Obushidian Dezāto?), known as the Dusty Demonic Realm (連晴海岸 Jingai Makyō?), is one of the seven islands in LACUNA. It originally used to be a green fertile island with many living here, but something happened that caused it to become a deserted desert.
Obsidian Desert has a heavily industrialized dark lustrous steel City in its center. Inside the City there are many automated factories, which create parts for NPC and Digimon and carry out maintenance. Around said City's permitter are ruins and pyramids. Within some of these ruins are secret passages that lead to other others. Some of these provide travel to areas that cannot be accessed any other way.
Very few NPC are found here, and the ones that are are very powerful. Many beginner players have been defeated very easily by the NPC.
Supposedly there is a secret shop here ran by a Junkyard Scavenger who sells expensive rare items. Rather than stay in one location, the NPC is said to move around — so finding it is difficult. It even tends to travel to places that aren't shown on the in game map. Some have claimed that if it takes a liking to you, it will it will give you special perks.[5]
There are further claims there is a portal inside a hidden area within the Amber Remains that links to hidden area within the Obsidian Desert. In addition, it is said a gem belonging to the Obsidian Desert is partnered to one from the Amber Remains and had somehow ended up lost within a hidden area within the Amber Ruins.[6]
During the main story, the player came across an NPC named Perla who ran away upon seeing the player. The player chased Perla, and wound up travelling across most of the map. Their map was disabled during this, and so they had to keep up with Perla to not lose track of it and travel through the ruins at the time same.[5]
Owen Dreadnought, Shoto Kazama, Arisa Kinosaki, and Violet "Vi" Inboots chase a Maquinamon there intending to capture it and turn it into a trading card. It is eventually captured by Shoto. Select Few (Part 1)
Amber Remains[]
Amber Remains (アンバーリメインズ Anbā Rimeinzu?), referred to as the Timeless Domain (時静領域 Toki Sei Ryōiki?, lit. "Time Static Domain"), is one of the seven islands in LACUNA.
Amber Remains resembles as archaeological site, and has a City within it — which is full of ancient ruins. The ruins resembles real life ones including; Japan's Zenpokoenfun, Mexico's Chichén Itzá, Cambodia's Angkor Wat, and Greece's Olympia. Players can hire guide NPCs to to show them around, though this is very costly — anyone hiring one is given a free souvenir as part of the purchase. The NPC living here cause a clash, since their futuristic look goes against the ancient look of the ruins.
The NPC in Amber Remains mostly use decks focused on Angel type Digimon. In addition, some duels here are set to special rules where both sides start with seven security cards instead five and many cards have higher costs than usual.
Supposedly there is a a hidden area here known as the "Untimely Domain" which feature duels with special rules where players have less security and duels have a turn limit — meaning players would have to be able to win before the turn limit comes to an end. There are further claims there is a portal inside this hidden area that links to hidden area within the Obsidian Desert.
During the game's story, the player travels here having heard about a relic from Chain. The player duels many NPC, and eventually finds a shrine within one of the ruins that holds a gem which supposedly governs time itself. The player also finds some clues, learning that the partner gem for this one from the Obsidian Desert had somehow ended up in a secret area in the Amber Remains and so set out to go and find this second gem.[6]
The Garden (ガーデン Gāden?) is a secret location somewhere in LACUNA that only the debugging team and admins are allowed to access. DEBUG.3-1 Ryutaro Former members of the debugging team also retain access, as Owen Dreadnought was still able to visit. REAL (Part 2) The admins and debugging teams hold secret meetings there, so as to not be disturbed by regular players. DEBUG.3-1 Ryutaro
The admins hide real Digimon there, as they had no where else to go in LACUNA. Digimon can only survive for a few days at most in LACUNA, and so the admins send them to the Garden and seal them inside trading cards to allow them to live. REAL (Part 2)
Digimon can't be stored inside a D-STORAGE whilst inside the Garden DEBUG.3-1 Ryutaro though this can be circumvented by having them already inside when their Tamer travels to the Garden. REAL (Part 2)
Cool Boy and Yao Qinglan take Shoto Kazama and Arisa Kinosaki there to tell them that they know about Pteromon and Shoemon, and attempt to blackmail them in to joining the debugging team by telling them they'll delete their accounts if they don't agree. Owen had been eavesdropping and disagrees with this request, leading Yao to duel Shoto to prove to Owen that they are good enough to join the debugging team. To avoid the resident Digimon from getting involved in the duel, everyone is teleported from the Garden to Lapis Marine. REAL (Part 2) Vortex Resonance (Part 1)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 TIPS 01 About Lacuna (1) Emerald Coast, the Invasive Forest City
- ↑ TIPS 05 Introducing Lacuna (2) The Central District of Jewel]
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 TIPS 09 Notice of Extensive Maintenance
- ↑ TIPS 10 Introducing Lacuna (3) Lapis Marine, the Ever-Sunny Seascape
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 TIPS 13 Introducing Lacuna (4) Obsidian Desert, the Dusty Demonic Realm
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Introducing Lacuna (5) Amber Remains, the Timeless Domain
See also[]
Worlds | |
Real World: | Japan (Tokyo) | Gorgeous Knight | Gunslinger |
Digital Worlds: | Adventure (File Island, Internet, Kernel, Dark Area) | Brave Tamer | Tamers | Frontier | Swan World | Data Squad | Fusion | Next | New Digital World | World 3 | Story | Cyber Sleuth | Witchelny | Iliad | Cocytus | Adventure: | Ghost Game |
Others: | Dark Ocean | World of dreams | DigiQuartz | Never-Ever Land | Cyberspace EDEN | Net Ocean | AR-Field |
Digimon Liberator | |
Main characters: | Shoto Kazama | Arisa Kinosaki | Owen Dreadnought | Zenith | Violet "Vi" Inboots | Cool Boy | Yao Qinglan | Close |
Digimon: | Pteromon | Muchomon | Shoemon | Elizamon | Vemmon | Ghostmon | Omekamon | Sangomon | Sunarizamon |
Other characters: | Other characters | Unchained and Maquinamon |
See also: | Digimon Card Game | Digimon | Digital World | Real World | LACUNA | Digimon Liberator (Liberator video game) | List of chapters (comic) | Digimon Liberator DEBUG | List of chapters (DEBUG) |
Digimon Liberator DEBUG | |
Main characters: | Yuuki | Winr | Ryutaro Williams | Suzune Kazuki | Altea | Unchained | Zenith |
Digimon: | Impmon | FunBeemon | Tyrannomon | Frigimon | Espimon | Maquinamon | Vemmon |
Other characters: | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon Card Game | Digimon | Digital World | Real World | LACUNA | Digimon Liberator (Liberator video game) | List of chapters | List of chapters (comic) | Digimon Liberator (comic) | |