
Kuzuhamon Miko Mode is a God Man Digimon. A form Kuzuhamon takes when it performs Shinto rituals and listens to God's will. It seldom fights in Miko Mode, but has strengthened its ability to exorcise evil spirits.[2]


  • Ura Izuna (裏飯綱? lit. "Reverse Izuna"[3]): Attacks the opponent with the kuda-gitsune carried on its waist.
  • Taizoukai Mandara (胎蔵界曼荼羅? lit. "Womb Realm Mandala"): Spreads a purifying barrier with the Shakujou that exorcises evil spirits.


It resembles Maid Mode Sakuyamon, except it wears a purple mask, purple facial marks, and tattered black hakama pants.


Kuzuhamon Miko Mode (クズハモン 巫女モード)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise. Some media format the "Miko Mode" in parentheses[4] or shortern it to "MM".[5]


Digimon Collectors

Digimon ReArise

Kuzuhamon Miko Mode may digivolve from Taomon.

Notes and references

  1. Digimon Collectors: Kuzuhamon: Miko Mode: "A form Kuzuhamon takes when it performs Shinto rituals and listens to God's will."
  2. [Kuzuhamon Miko Mode Digimon Reference Book: Kuzuhamon Miko Mode]
  3. Izuna is a form of sorcery, practiced by the Izuna Shugen cult of Mount Iizuna, which utilizes Kuda-gitsune.
  4. Digimon Collectors
  5. Digimon ReArise