
KingChessmon (White) is a Puppet Digimon whose name and design are derived from the white "King" chess piece. It is a king Digimon maneuvering behind the scenes in order to build the great Chessmon empire. However, nobody knows what kind of thing a Chessmon empire is, and because of the environs, they aren't even interested. Since it is a coward it almost never attacks by itself, and it's only fast when it comes to running away in an emergency. Its catchphrase is, "He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day!" However, it also has an intellect that is surprisingly on the same level as a supercomputer. It always carries the "King Stick".[2]

Digimon World Dawn/Dusk

KingChessmon digivolves from BishopChessmon. He appears in the Thriller Ruins sector of Transfeild. A KingChessmon operates the lift to Dark N Area from the Dark N Route, A QueenChessmon operates the lift from the Dark N Area to the Dark N Route. KingChessmon can also be DNA digivolved from Mamemon and ShogunGekomon at level 45 with minimum 55 aptitude and 10,000 machine exp.


  • Checkmate: Attacks by itself as a last resort. If its own life is at stake, this technique possesses superior offensive power.
  • King Stick: Produces a body double of itself using the King Stick.
  • King Dash: Quickly runs away.

Notes and References
