
Kazuchimon is a Shaman Digimon. It is a Mega Digimon that digivolved by tempering its body and soul to the limit through unimaginable training. For Kazuchimon, fighting is a sacred rite that must never be tarnished because it has devoted everything to it. It is a natural-born warrior who is so immersed that it continues to refine its tactics and strategies regardless of its own comforts, and once in battle, it turns into a raging war god and exhibits the strength to take on a thousand warriors.[4]


  • Nito Seirai (二刀勢雷 Nitou Seirai?, lit. "Dual Sword Stance Lightning"): Cuts down the enemy with the lightning swords it holds by dual wielding them.
  • Shido Ittetsu (士道一徹 Shidou Ittetsu?, lit. "Chivalry Tenacity"): Erects a barrier of lightning and forces the enemy into a one-on-one battle.
  • Shinden Shouraiko (神電召雷光 Shinden Shouraikou?, lit. "Divine Electricity-summoned Lightning"): Finishes the enemy off by condensing the electrical energy in its surroundings and then firing an ultra-high density shot of lightning.




Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.

  • (Ja:) Kazuchi (カヅチ?), from Takemikazuchi, a Japanese god of thunder that is also a sword god. He is considered to have taken part in the first ever Sumo Wrestling match.


Digimon Dreamers[]

When Pulsemon summons Ritsu Kodo to the Digital World, it tells him that its dream is to one day digivolve to Bulkmon, then Boutmon, and finally, Kazuchimon. Whilst imagining this, it imagines the trio of digivolutions in its mind. A Digimon can dream

Digimon Seekers[]

Main article: Kazuchimon (Seekers)

Vital Hero Digital Monster: Pulse City[]

Kazuchimon digivolves from Boutmon, Pistmon, and Tempomon. It can also DNA digivolve from Shootmon with a Data or Free Ultimate Digimon, Climbmon with a Vaccine or Free Ultimate Digimon, or Divemon with a Vaccine or Free Ultimate Digimon.

Notes and references[]
