Invisimon is a Cyborg Digimon. It is a Mega Digimon modified by the Crack Team to be pivotal in diversionary missions. It has cloaking functions and a body made of Blue Digizoid that gives it superlative mobility. Due to its excellent talent in stealth, even the cracker with whom it works may lose sight of it, regardless of its great size. If one is not especially skilled, then handling Invisimon will prove quite the challenge. For its duties, Invisimon will typically set up surprise attacks during missions, appearing suddenly then rampaging to cause confusion and create an environment easier for the other Digimon in the Crack Team to operate in. When in battle, Invisimon brandishes its "partner," the Stealth Wing, which has identical cloaking capabilities. The Stealth Wing, in addition to being used as a long-distance flight unit mounted on Invisimon's back, is capable of acting independently thanks to its autonomous AI, and of communicating with Invisimon to share what it sees from the air.[1]
- Invisible Cutter: Throws the Stealth Wing, which then releases a flurry of unseen slash attacks.
- Super Rocket Fist: Fires bedrock.
- Ultimate Blazar: Emits an ultra-wide laser beam from its chest to wipe out enemies.
- Invisimon (インビジモン)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.
Digimon Liberator DEBUG[]