
Impmon is the partner Digimon of Yuuki in the Digimon Liberator web novel.


Main article: Impmon#Design


Impmon finds it difficult to open up to others, and winds up making snide remakes to anyone it meets. Because Yuuki is unfazed by Impmon's twisted personality, it is the only human it has opened its heart to and will only show its secret honest side to her.[1]


  • Summon: Summons elementals of flame and ice.
  • Night of Fire: Attacks the opponent with flames of darkness.


Digimon Liberator DEBUG[]

At some point during the year long beta of Digimon Liberator Yuuki came across Impmon — with the Digimon becoming her partner.[2]

Yuuki works as part of the De-bug team for Digimon Liberator, helping to deal with any internal issues that arise within the game. Due to the large number of NPCs going rogue, the team were dispatched to hunt them down. They are also tasked with hunting down wild Digimon and turning them into cards, as the wild Digimon feature wasn't yet supposed to have gone live and was causing the game issues. As such, Impmon helps her in these goals.

Yuuki and Impmon find a rogue NPC in the Ruby Mountain, with the NPC using a deck focusing on EX7-046: Metallicdramon and EX7-014: Volcanicdramon. Despite her best efforts, she loses to the NPC. Yuuki apologizes to Impmon for having caused them to lose. It reminds her that their Novel Emblem is still an unstable untested version with no guarantee their data would survive losing to NPCs — and that they may have gotten lucky in that they were still alive. Impmon tells her that if she wants its forgiveness she should come up with a plan to defeat the duo in a rematch, though she states she has no plan and that they should come up with one together, with Impmon deciding not forgive her. As they bicker, Yuuki pulls out her D-STORAGE, intending to recall Impmon and go home as she was worn out from the arguing, but stops when she notices her gained new items. Since they had lost to the NPC, she was confused as to why she had new items and opens her inventory to see had obtained a new ability item for her Tamer card. She wonders whether she should accept it, though quickly decides to do so and upon gaining a new ability asks Impmon about it and Beelzemon's types — confirming with it that Impmon is the Evil type and Beelzemon is the Demon Lord type. This confuses Impmon, feeling it to be a pointless question, though learns why when it sees her new ability is support for Dark Dragon and Demon Dragon Type Digimon. A new notification appears, informing the duo they had received new cards, this confuses them even further. As they look through the cards, Yuuki happily declares they would use these new cards to defeat the NPC. DEBUG.1-1 Yuuki Having learned from her prior defeat to the NPC, Yuuki is able to win by using its own tactics against it to endure its attacks instead of fighting it head on.

Now back at the base of Ruby Mountain, Yuuki hugs an annoyed Impmon in happiness over their win. After the celebration ends, Impmon brings up the fact that them gaining new cards and Tamer abilities was suspicious with Yuuki saying they can ask Altea about it. She leaves the base, dragging Impmon with her, and forces Impmon to walk around Ruby Mountain with her. DEBUG.1-2 HEAVY METAL PLAY

Shortly afterwards, the duo become so overexcited at having defeated a rouge NPC they challenge the main scenario and drag Winr alongside with them. Despite the new deck, she is defeated easily by the NPC and its deck focused around EX7-047: Tlalocmon. She lost so fast, Winr couldn't even analyse the NPC's deck. DEBUG.2-1 Winr

One day, Ryutaro Williams, Yuuki, and Winr, under the orders of Altea, were given a mission to deal with some cheaters — taking the place of the GMs as they were too busy to deal with it themselves. The cheaters would hack the tournament winners, preventing them from logging out or even communicating with other players, and would agree to restore their accounts in exchange for their tournament prizes. They would then sell the prizes to make large amounts of money. The group of 30 hackers had affected so many tournaments, the fear of being hacked had caused entry numbers to drop drastically. Learning this information riled up the Digimon, and their discussions bring to light that there isn't even evidence of the hacking as it left no trace and in addition to that — the higher ups have no clue how they even managed to do it in the first place, as other cheating attempts would be stopped buy the game itself due to the hackers modifying their systems. Though the task seems impossible, Ryutaro reveals he has a plan and brings up how the winner of the previous weeks tournament had fallen victim to this scam. He goes through what the hackers do again, then says he had actually agreed with the hackers to buy said stolen prize and had a meeting with them at Lapis Marine to get the stolen item.

They send out Winr to make first contact with Winr's plan being to lower their guards as he was a kid instead of the giant Ryutaro. Espimon had sent a message via Tyrannomon with it telling them not to allow the hackers to run towards Lapis Stadium Tower as the debugging team were testing a player who had taken out an NPC there to see if he was a good fit as a new member of the team. Winr sends a message to Ryutaro just as he was about to check the map for escape routes with it saying that more than 10 hackers had shown up and he was scared they were going to take advantage of him since a kid would be unable to stop them. This angers Ryutaro, since he had allowed Winr to go alone, and he leaves alongside Tyrannomon to try and save his young friend from harm. He gets there in time, with Yuuki also having joined in the rescue attempt. The three of them were now surrounded by the large number of hackers. The hackers were aware of the fact they were dubuggers under cover, and were not intimidated by their jobs as they just considered them the same as regular players. They laugh at the fact there's no evidence, with Winr telling them that this is still an official trade and if they went against their word and didn't give them the stolen item they could report them and get them banned. Aruba Dokuson, leader of the hackers, points out they had yet to receive the payment and that they have the blackmail of the fact that debuggers were pretending to be regular players. Ryutaro then proceeds to challenge Aruba to a duel. DEBUG.3-1 Ryutaro Aruba agrees, and states they'll stop their scams if Ryutaro is able to win. Meanwhile if he wins, he will post online about how the group had been going undercover as regular players with the shame supposedly being enough that it'd cause them to never be able to play again. Though at first worried that Aruba would lose, his minions quickly change to mocking the debuggers confident that their leader would never lose. Aruba gives Ryutaro the chance to back out, but Ryutaro refuses and accepts the duel request.

Ryutaro wins the duel, and informs the hackers that they're going to freeze their accounts as punishment and that the various members would either receive warnings or tournament bans. The debugging team arrest all the hackers, though Ryutaro gives Aruba his spare account telling him to play the game using it as he wants a rematch. He leaves on Tyrannomon, and takes the dinosaur to coast to swim. Before they can swim though, Winr contacts him and tells him the group had been summoned by the GMs as they were unhappy with how they had dealt with the investigation. DEBUG.3-2 WE CAN BE HEROES

Yuuki and Impmon see a wild Wormmon (and didn't know what species it was) whilst in the Obsidian Desert, and leave to tell the others. This causes a widespread search of the Desert with multiple debug team members sent out to find it. Yuuki goes with Winr, who, after lots of searching, are unable to find it. Yuuki yells at Winr at how she wasn't lying, with Winr telling her to keep it down since he had already suffered enough through having to travel through the Desert. She says Impmon saw it too, who backs up her claim and adds that it looked like a caterpillar. Winr asks FunBeemon's opinion, who says it may have been a DoKunemon, Wormmon, or even a new Digimon entirely. It points out that it had asked its Royal Base hive members to search around the desert beforehand, and that none of them had seen the green Digimon in question — though offers out the theory that it may have possessed an NPC or object since being spotted. Winr doubts this though, figuring that a random wild Digimon would have no where to hide, since so many debug team members were out looking for Maquinamon and that some had even captured some in the Desert and had made sure to check every single NPC and object in the area. He brings this up to Yuuki, who's protests go in vein. Winr asks why Yuuki is pushing so much about this supposed sighting, with her just saying "because". As he thinks over it, he realizes that she cares about all Digimon and how distraught she probably is about the fact that a wild Digimon could be suffering and then die as wild Digimon are unable to survive long inside LACUNA and so apologizes. As their partners try to cheer them up, Ryutaro and Tyrannomon show up. Ryutaro praises the duo for their work, whilst Tyrannomon jumps into the nearby water to cool down. They are quickly followed by Suzune and Frigimon, who had been working with Ryutaro and Tyrannomon.

Stopping for a break and a chat, Suzune says that she and Ryutaro hadn't found the Digimon either — though had seen some of the other debug members were duelling against a trio of NPCs and so something must've been going on in the desert. Not wanting to doubt Yuuki and Impmon, Suzune says that with no one having been able to find the wild Digimon — it must've already died. Yuuki becomes visibly sad, though quickly puts on a fake smile to try and hide the pain. With the mission "complete", Ryutaro, Suzune, Winr, and their partners leave. Within seconds of Impmon approaching Yuuki, a crying Yuuki apologizes to her partner. It insults her over her feelings, and tells her that it would be impossible for her to become friends with all Digimon if she were to continue to be such a mope. It tells her that just because no one had found it yet doesn't mean it isn't still alive and that if they found it, would it want to befriend a cry baby? shocked at its words, she stops crying and hugs it — thanking it for helping to cheer her up. Now ready to return to the base, she begins to walk back and holds out hope she would get to see the caterpillar Digimon again one day. DEBUG.6-1 OASIS

One day, a large amount of black holes open up in Jewel. Unchained tells Cool Boy that they predicted said issue could cause LACUNA to be destroyed. The admins log out all regular players — though allow staff and debug team members to remain logged in. Yuuki was logged in at the time, with the admins sending a notification for logged in debug members to go to the Garden. Once there, they were all told to go look for NPC Sam the Clown as it was controlling the Digimon inside the black holes. Raid on the World (Part 2)

Unable to find him, an annoyed Yuuki screams loudly about show she cannot find him, and how he usually is very easy to find. Impmon tells her to shut up, saying that Sam wont show up just because she's yelling. With no one able to find him despite searching the entire City, Arisa Kinosaki eventually figures that they couldn't find the NPC as the wild Digimon possessing him must've digivolved to Imperialdramon and as such was no longer an NPC. Arisa texts everyone her theory, with this putting a stop to the search, the entire group now focused on taking down the fifty Imperialdramon. Raid on the World (Part 2)

Other forms[]


Keemon b

Keemon is Impmon's Fresh form.[3]


Yaamon b

Yaamon is Impmon's In-Trianing form.[3]


Punkmon b

Punkmon is Impmon's Champion form.

During Yuuki's rematch with the NPC that used EX7-046: Metallicdramon and EX7-014: Volcanicdramon, she digivolves EX7-050: Impmon into EX7-055: Punkmon. Impmon's consciousness was fused into Punkmon,[4] though it isn't specified whether it had fused itself into the Impmon or Loudmon card. On a later turn, she digivolves Punkmon to EX7-055: Loudmon — ending her turn. Punkmon's inherited effect gives the stack 2000DP. DEBUG.1-2 HEAVY METAL PLAY


Loudmon b

Loudmon is Impmon's Ultimate form.

During Yuuki's rematch with the NPC that used EX7-046: Metallicdramon and EX7-014: Volcanicdramon, she digivolves the Impmon consciousness fused[4] EX7-055: Punkmon to EX7-055: Loudmon — ending her turn. On her next turn, Yuuki draws a card, with her now having 2 cards in her hand. At the start of Yuuki's Main Phase, EX7-065: Yuuki gives her 1 memory as her opponent has a Digimon — putting her at 6. She suspends her Tamer card to activate its effect, allowing her to digivolve one of her Digimon into a Dark Dragon or Evil Dragon Digimon in her trash — but only if she has less than 4 cards in her hand. As she has 2, she digivolves Loudmon into EX7-062: HeavyMetaldramon for 4 cost — lowered by 1 due to HeavyMetaldramon's effect allowing it to digivolve for 4 (instead of 5) by digivolving from a Dark Dragon or Evil Dragon. Loudmon's inherited effect allows HeavyMetaldramon to gain Security Attack +1 as long as Yuuki has 4 or less cards in her hand. DEBUG.1-2 HEAVY METAL PLAY


Beelzemon b

Beelzemon was Impmon's initial Mega form.[5] Yuuki's original deck revolved around warp digivolving Impmon to Beelzemon.


HeavyMetaldramon b

HeavyMetaldramon is Impmon's current Mega form.

During Yuuki's rematch with the NPC that used EX7-046: Metallicdramon and EX7-014: Volcanicdramon, a copy of EX7-062: HeavyMetaldramon finds its way into her trash. Later in the duel, Yuuki suspends EX7-065: Yuuki to activate its effect, allowing her to digivolve one of her Digimon into a Dark Dragon or Evil Dragon Digimon in her trash — but only if she has less than 4 cards in her hand. As she has 2, she digivolves the Impmon infused[4] EX7-055: Loudmon into HeavyMetaldramon for 4 cost — lowered by 1 due to HeavyMetaldramon's effect allowing it to digivolve for 4 (instead of 5) by digivolving from a Dark Dragon or Evil Dragon. She activates its on digivolving effect, trashing two cards in her hand to destroy a Digimon with equal or less DP than it. EX7-050: Impmon and EX7-055: Punkmon's inherited effects boost its DP from 13,000 to 17,000 — though this is irrelevant as it would've died regardless as Metallicdramon has 13,000 as well. Having been destroyed, Metallicdramon's effect activates — allowing the NPC to play an Earth Dragon or Rock Dragon from the trash for free. It uses this effect to play Volcanicdramon, using its on play effect to delete the Digimon on Yuuki's field with the lowest DP. This destroys EX7-060: Nidhoggmon, who has 11,000DP. This is what Yuuki wanted though, as Nidhoggmon's effect activates — allowing her to play a lv5 or lower Dark Dragon or Evil Dragon from her trash for free and uses this to revive EX7-056: Orochimon. The rest of the duel is skipped, with Yuuki winning. DEBUG.1-2 HEAVY METAL PLAY

Notes and references[]

  1. Digimon Liberator: Impmon
  2. Digimon Liberator: Yuuki
  3. 3.0 3.1 EX7-006: Yaamon
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Digimon Liberator, "DEBUG.1-2" [02]: "As Loudmon, infused with its partner's consciousness, urged caution, the NPC raised its right hand and hoisted a card high into the air."
  5. Digimon Liberator, "DEBUG.1-1" [01]: "Using cards in the trash as resources, they use the level 3 Impmon to bring forth or divivolve into Beelzemon, a level 6."