Season 1, Episode 07: "Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo" English Version Written By: Rebecca Olkowski and Eddie Lerner Original Air Date: September 9, 1999 Transcribed By: [OPENING THEME] [open to all the kids walking through the forest. it's very cold, and some of them are shivering.] Gomamon: I know this is no day at the beach, Joe, but that's no reason to be a worry wart about it, and make all your friends unhappy. Pardon the pun, but chill out. Only you've got a problem with the cold. Everyone think warm. Joe: I'm allergic to fur. Tai: Oh, come on. The cold isn't that bad. TK & Mimi: *gasp* Izzy: Perhaps not if you're a polar bear or a penguin. Tai: Yeah, but if it shows, we'll throw some snowballs! Mimi: And make snowmen! Gomamon: Who do you think Snowmon is? Gabumon: A digimon from their planet? Izzy: It's difficult to explain. Tentomon: Well, if it's edible, count me in. Izzy: No, the best thing about show balls is that you can throw them at each other. It's a fun game that we play in the winter months. Tentomon: You throw food? Matt: We could build a snow fort! Tai: You'll need one! Sora: I bet I could beat you both, blindfolded! TK: I wanna build an igloo! Palmon: I'll help! If you tell me what it is. Tentomon: An igloo sounds scrumptious! Izzy: Too bad they're not edible. Joe: You can't be serious. It'd be horrible if it started snowing right now. Sora: Lighten up, Joe. We're just trying to look onthe positive side of things. Joe: Blech. TK: Hey, Tai, when's it gonna snow? Tai: Probably any second now. Matt: Right on Joe's head! TK: That'd be so funny! Tai: I can't wait to see his face! Joe: You know, if the temperature drops any lower than it already is, we won't be able to camp out anymore! We'll be frozen digitreats! Tai, Matt, Izzy, TK: *laugh* Joe: Right. Go ahead and laugh. But when your tootsies freeze don't come crying to me. I'll just say I told you so. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Think first. Hmmph. [Scene change to a field of snow] Gomamon: What's the white stuff? Mimi: It's a field of snow! There's bound to be a ski resort nearby! Joe: Oh, man. This is much worse than even I thought it was! Sora: What now, guys? Tai: I think we should keep going. We won't get anywhere just sitting here. Matt: But if we cross the field in our sneakers our toes will go numb. Joe: It's impossible to continue! Tai: So what are we supposed to do? Just stand around like a bunch of dorks? We eight cross that field or go up that big mountain. Agumon: Wait a sec. I think there's a weird odour in the air. Biyomon: I do believe he's right. Gabumon: But what could it be? Tai: I dunno. But it smells like... Izzy: Very familiar... Biyomon: It's steam. Matt: She's right. But where's it coming from? Joe: A big geyser! Mimi & TK: Wow! A hot springs! Mimi: Yipee! We can take a bath! Finally, now I can get warm! All: Yeah! Woohoo! *other selective shouts* [They all go and check out the hot springs.] Tai: Uh, oh. This water is way too hot. Tentomon: We'd be cooked if we jumped in this. Izzy: Yes, boiled. Mimi: Well, there go my big dreams of a nice warm bath. Palmon: It looks so inviting. Matt: Maybe if you're a vegetable. Joe: What's a little dirt compared to staving? We need to eat and there's nothing in sight! TK: Oh, yes there is! Joe: What are you talking about? There's nothing here but a bunch of rocks and hot water! TK: Look! Joe: Tell me I'm not imagining this. Tai: Yeah! It's real! Joe: Oh, come on, that's ridiculous! What would a refridgerator be doing all the way out here? Matt: Hey, where there's a fridge, there's grub! Sora: Well, we won't know til we open it. Mimi: I want hot cocoa! Palmon: What's that? Tai: Come on already, let's open it! [he opens the fridge] Huh? Eggs! Agumon: There must be a zillion of em! Tai: Grub on! These'll keep us all fed for a month! Joe: Wait! Don't touch those! We don't know if they're fit for human consumption! Tai: Then I'll be the guinea pig! If I turn purple you'll know they're not edible. Joe: There's more to it than that! Even if they were edible they don't belong to us! THat'd make us all theives! You gotta think of stuff like that! Matt: Unless you're in to eating rocks, we don't have much of a choice. Sora: I'm I'm sure they'd say yes if they knew our position. Izzy: Right. We'd just tell them it's an emergency situation. Joe: hmmm. [the start to cook the eggs] Sora: Sunny-side up eggs are my specialty! [TK and Patamon are boiling eggs in the water] Patamon: There! Done! Tai: Hey, come on man, how are those chopsticks coming? Mimi: Hurry, we want to eat! Joe: Sorry, this just makes me feel uncomfortable. We'd be in big trouble if someone got sick. No doctors, you know. Why do I always have to be the one to think of these things? [they all sit down to eat the eggs] Mimi: Tres gourmet! Sora: It's your turn, next time. Biyomon: Go on, dig in! Tai: Oh, yeah! I haven't had food like this in a long time! My stomach's chimin'! Matt: If we had some ketchup to go with this it'd be perfect! TK: Mmm...I love ketchup and eggs! Sora: Sounds pretty gross, to me. Gomamon: What's the matter, Joe? You haven't eaten anything! Joe: I was just thinking that if we were able to get back home, ketchup wouldn't be a problem. Mimi: Oh, now I'm homesick. How depressing. TK: Now I want to go home, too. Izzy: It's been four days since we've been here. I wonder if anyone's tried to find out where we are. Sora: Cheer up! Just tell me how you like your eggs and I'll try my very best! Tai: I like mine with soya sauce. Matt: How about salsa? Sora: How about a reality check? Izzy: I'll have mine with mustard and jelly beans, please. Tai: *laugh* Matt: How gross! TK: Mmmm...jelly beans, that sounds good! Mimi: What? You're both weird. My favourite is eggs topped with maple syrup. Yummy! Sometimes I like them with cherries on top! Sora: That's weird. TK: But I bet it's good. Matt, Tai: *laugh* Joe: What? YOu're making me lose my apetite! I just like plain eggs! Ugh, I wish we could talk about something other than egg recipes. Gomamon: Don't be so hard on yourself, they're just having a little fun. Matt: Yeah, join the party! Tai: I think it's really too late for him. I think Joe thinks we've gone a little crazy. Joe: Well, I mean really. Jelly beans and cherries on eggs. THat's crazy talk. Salt and pepper's all they need. Keep it simple! That's always been my motto. Gomamon: I'm afraid Joe's just not the kind of guy that's meant to be adaptable. Joe: Just What do you mean? Gomamon: Face it Joe, you're kinda of a stick in the mud, if you get my drift. Joe: I'm just practical! Gomamon: You're stuffy! Biyomon: It never stops. Here we go again. Joe: Someone has to have a a head on his shoulders. Gomamon: You wanna fight? huh? huh? Joe: Yeah, sure! Matt: Hey! Hey! Stay calm! Joe: I am calm! He's the one who's dingy. And why'd you squeeze my arm? Matt: You don't seem like yourself today, Joe. You're a basket case. Joe: I am just trying to be careful. Unlike the rest of you weirdos. You're just asking for trouble. [switch to joe sitting in front of the geyser, throuwing rocks into it.] Joe: *sigh* I've got to be the cautious one around here. I have to be...the voice of reason. [switch to matt and tai fighting at the base of the mountain] Tai: WHy are you making such a big deal out of this? Matt: Because it's way too dangerous! Tai: There's no place else to go! We have no choice! Matt: Look, before we do something foolish, we should think it over a little! Tai: You're just a big old chicken Matt! Matt: I am not! Tai: You are too! Matt: I am not! Joe: Hey, everybody, what's all the rucus about? Why are Matt and Tai fighting? Izzy: THey're debating about whether or not we should climb up Infinity Mountain, which is way up over there. Joe: That's practically up to the sky! Tai: It's the perfect spot! We've got to climb up there. It's the best view of the island! Joe: He's got a point there. Sora: That's not the way Matt sees it. Matt: Nobody would make it up that peak! It's too much of a gamble! Biyomon: He might be right, Joe. There might be lots of evil digimon up that peak. Joe: That's not good. It wuldn't be worth the risk. Tai: Come on, Matt! Don't be a wimp! We won't get anywhere if we just stand around talking! Matt: Put your fists down when you talk to me! ANd stop acting like you can just bully your way into being leader! Tai: What do you mean!? Joe: Come on, you guys! Chill out. Now look, calm down. Let's think this over. Matt: So, what's your opinion about this, Joe? Joe: Huh? Tai: Yeah, who's right? Me or Matt? Joe: Well, uh...Tai is right about going up that peak. We could see the landscape of the island much better. Tai: See, Matt? Joe: Hold on. Matt brought up a good point too.He's right about the danger It'd be dumb to lead everyone up to a place we don't know anything about. Tai: hmmm... Joe: hmmm... Matt: hmmm... Tai: Oh, come on! Let's just go as far as we can up the mountain! Matt: That's stupid! We can't protect ourselves up there! Joe: Stop! You're both maing me a nervous wreck! Just give me a chance to think. Don't be difficult! Matt: What? You are the most difficult person I ever met! Joe: Hey! In am trying to make a descision here! Don't interrupt me! Tai: You're just a big old chicken, Matt! Matt: Tai, you better take that back! Joe: Enough already! You're giving me a headache! Sora: Put a cork in it, you three! Tai, Matt, Joe: huh? Sora: Now, grow up. We need to make a descision. Biyomon: Plus, it'll be dark soon. Agu: I think we'd better get some shut eye. Gabumon: There will be plenty of time to argue later. Sora: First of all, we need to find a good place to sleep. Let's head for the caves. Agumon: Yeah, it'll be warm in there! Biyomon: I get the top rock! [commercial] [Joe is sitting by himself in front of the boiling water] Joe: *thinking* Someone is gonna get hurt if I don't do something fast. Instead I got involved myself. If I'm responsiblefor everyone's safety, I've got to protect them. Their lives depend on me! [everyone is sleeping. Joe wakes up, and walks out of the cave. He looks at the mountain] Joe: I'll do it! [He starts walking up the mountain.] Joe: I've always been good at climbing. I've got the best chance of making it to the top. Gomamon: What are you up to, Joe? Joe, you're not thinking of climbing that mountain all by yourself, are you? Joe: Gomamon? Gomamon: Yep. You forgot me already? Joe: Why don't you go get some sleep? Gomamon: Not happening. Joe: Yes, it is. Gomamon: I don't think so! Joe: Humph. You're not going, so quit following me around. Gomamon: I'm not. You see, I've got some business to take care of up there. It doesn't always have to revolve around you. Joe: Fine then. Gomamon: Sometimes I just have to trick him. Joe: Did you just say something? Gomamon: Uh, yeah...Nice night for a walk! Joe: You're nuts. Gomamon: What's wrong with that? I sure have more fun! [Joe and Gomamon climb the mountain for a while. They stop as Joe gasps for breath] Joe: Infinity Mountain is sure bigger than I thought it was. Gomamon: Are you ready to quit? We can turn around. Joe: Never. Gomamon: I can give you a hand. Joe: Huh? oh. What? You call that a hand? Gomamon: Watch it! Joe: I was kidding. Lighten up! [Gomamon stares at him] What? Gomamon: I think you may actually have a sense of humour. Joe: Huh? Gomamon: Maybe not. [Joe and gomamon climb up the mountain some more.] Gomamon: I could use a hand! Joe: Oh, here. Gomamon: Thanks. Joe: Whew. I'm about ready to take a rest. Well, it looks to me like we're about halfway there. Gomamon: We make quite a team! Joe: Actually, we do. [A rumbling comes from higher up the mountain.] Joe: What was that? You don't think this mountain could be a...volcano?! [Some black gears come flying out of the mountain.] Joe: Look up there! Gomamon: The black gears. Joe: They're coming from the top of the mountain! I guess there's no running away this time. Gomamon: Mmm-hmm. [Joe and Gomamon climb up to where they saw the gears come from] Joe: I know I saw them here. Where did they go? Gomamon: Would it be too much to hope they disappeared altogether? Joe: I'm gonna go up there and see. Gomamon: Huh? Joe: What? Gomamon: That sound. Up there. [Joe looks up. A white flying horse, wearing a red mask, comes down to the mountain] Joe: Oh, that's just a great. A flying horse wearing a mask. This can't be good. Gomamon: That's no ordinary flying horse, Joe. That's Unimon. He's a wise old digimon. I never knew he lived in these mountains. He's not much of a talker. Joe: Hide! Gomamon: Unimon's very gentle. We don't have to hide from him. Joe: Your information hasn't always been reliable. Gomamon: Cold, but true. Joe: He must be coming down to have a drink. This must be his watering hole. Gomamon: You see? I told you he was a nice digimon. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Joe: Wow, what a beautiful looking horse. Gomamon: Maybe Unimon can tell us what we need to know. Then we can go back to our friends. [he walks over to Unimon] Joe: Gomamon! Gomamon: Hello, Unimon! It's me Gomamon. It's been a long time since we...what's going on? [Unimon looks towards the sky to listen.] Joe: What is is? Gomamon: I hear something, out there! Joe: Huh? Where? Gomamon: There! Can't you hear it, Joe? Joe: Oh, no! A black gear! [The gear flies down and hits Unimon in the back] Gomamon: Woah! Joe: Gosh, you think he's in trouble? Gomamon: Uh, we'll have to wait and see. Woah, look at his eyes! I think we're the ones that are in trouble! Unimon: Hello, Gomamon! Aren't you happy to see me? [scene change to the cave. Sora is the first to wake up.] Sora: Mmm...I sure slept well! Hey, I wonder where sleepy Joe is? Joe, where'd ya go? Huh. 'I'll be back in a little while. Please wait for me. signed, Joe'. He wouldn't be climbing that mountain by himself, would he? Quick, everybody wake up! We have an emergency! [back at the mountain] Unimon: Having a good time, dear guests? I'm in the mood for a game of Aerial Attack. [He throws his attack] Joe: Do something, Gomamon! Gomamon: What? Unimon: You're not thinking of leaving, are you? It's a perfectly safe route if you're planning on flying away. Joe: We need some help! Unimon: Aerial Attack! [Birdramon flies up and smashes Unimon into the side of the mountain, swirving his attack] Joe: Huh? Birdramon? Tai: We've come to save you! Joe: Just in time, I'd say! Sora: Are you alright? Unimon: Aerial Attack! [It hits birdramon, and she falls down the cliff] Sora: Birdramon! Tai [looking at Agumon]: Well? Agumon: Agumon, digivolve into...Greymon! [Unimon smashes Greymon into the mountain] Tai: Greymon, are you gonna be alright? Greymon: I'm stylin', dude. [Unimon fights with Greymon] Greymon: Nova Blast! Joe: Greymon and Tai are in trouble! Oh, no! He's going after Sora! Unimon: What do we have here? Another uninvited guest? Birdramon: Meteor wing! Sora: Oh! [she's knocked down the cliff with Birdramon] Joe: Sora! [Joe looks at the gear on Unimon.] Joe: The gear! I'll get it! Gomamon: huh? Joe: This is crazy! [Joe leaps onto Unimon's back.] Gomamon: Joe! Joe: Come on, now! Gomamon: Hang on! Joe: Oh, no! It won't budge! [Unimon squirms as Joe pulls on the gear.] Joe: Ahh!! Gomamon: Joe! Stop! Don't try to be a hero! Joe: I know! But there's just this one thing I have to do. I'm not going to stop until it's done. Gomamon: Ahhhh!! [Unimon kicks around] Joe: I have to think positive! I'm responsible! I've got to do it! [Joe is throw off by Unimon.] Joe: Ahhhh!!! Gomamon: Oh no!! Joe: Ahhh!!! Gomamon: Joe!!! [Gomamon starts to digivolve for the first time.] Gomamon: Gomamon, digivolve to...Ikkakumon! Joe: Ahh!!! [Joe lands on Ikkakumon.] Ikkakumon: Hang on, Joe! Cause we're going for a ride! Unimon: Aerial Attack! [Ikkakumon dodges it.] Ikkakumon: Harpoon Torpedo! [Unimon dodges the attack.] Joe: You missed him! He's much too fast for us! [Ikkakumon shoots again, and gets Unimon. The balck gear comes out, and deletes.] Joe: The black gear just dissolved! Yeah, you did it! Greymon: Hope I didn't shake you too much, Tai! Tai: Nah! Sora: That was a close call! Joe: Good Job! That's what I call pulling it together! [commercial] Tai: Wow, Joe, you were jammin' out ther! You're a pretty cvool dude, aafter all. Sora: You were so awesome it made it possible for Gomamon to digivolve! Gomamon: That's not why I did it! It cause I'm just a nice guy. Plus, Joe would've fallen on his head. That's why! I didn't have anything better to do anyway. If you don't believe me, put up your dukes, and we'll fight about it! Joe: Chill, Gomamon! And heroes don't have to fight! Gomamon: Oh, uh...heroes? Biyomon: Uh, oh! Gomamon's embarassed! Gomamon: I'm no such thing! Tai: Come on, everybody! We're almost there! Let's go all the way to the top! [They climb to the top of the mountain.] Tai: Alright! I knew we could do it! All: Yay! Tai: Woah, not much out there. Joe [narrating]: So Gomamon and I fought to the top. When we got there, we found...well nothing. But I think we discovered quite a bit on the way up. [END]