Hexeblaumon is a Magic Knight Digimon. It is a Digimon that only those who have mastered ice sorcery (a high-level programming language) are able to digivolve into. It protected other Digimon until the very end during an ice age that came to the Digital World long ago, and was later rumored to have moved to another dimension, "Witchelny". It excels in the art of manipulating the cold, and creates various things with ice. It starts with weapons such as swords and hammers, and then other tools such as restraints that restrict the enemy's movements, and is also capable of erecting a barrier to defend itself from attacks, so it is definitely an ice professional.[2]
- Summon Frost: Spreads cold air over a wide range, instantly transforming anyone that draws near into ice statues.
- Hectoage Blizzard (Hectoedge Blizzard): Causes countless ice swords to fall down like a blizzard.
- Absolute Blast: Unleashes an absolute zero wave from the dragon jaws on its left shoulder, which shatters everything.
Hexeblaumon is a bipedal knight Digimon with red eyes, white hair, and a body that is entirely made of ice. The wings on its back are spread out like a large formation of icicles. Its armor is mostly blue outline with white and yellow. The shoulders are asymmetrical with one side being a large fringe of white fur while the other side resembles a head of a dragon with two large horns of ice. It also has a red loincloth that stretches behind like a cape. On back of its hand, knees, and cape are white hexagons. It wields a spiky staff or lance that is also made of ice.
- Hexeblaumon (ヘクセブラウモン)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.
- BingkongLingzhushou (冰空领主兽)
Name name used in Digimon Encounters and other Chinese materials.
Digimon Liberator[]
On one of Frozen Knight's turns in its duel against Shoto Kazama, it digivolves a copy of EX7-021: CrysPaledramon into EX7-023: Hexeblaumon, putting Shoto onto two memory. After digivolving, Hexeblaumon's on digivolving effect activates to trash up to four of Shoto's Digimon's digivolution sources. This causes ST18-08: Galemon to lose both of its sources. Out of Control (Part 1)
During its next turn, Frozen Knight has Hexeblaumon attack Shoto directly, removing three security shields (due to its own Security +1 and CrysPaledramon's inherited Security +1, which it can use as Galemon as no digivolution sources). One of the three cards checked is ST18-14: Shoto Kazama, with its security effect putting it into Shoto's Battle Area.
On its next turn, it plays the Option Card EX7-067: Summon Frost for 5 cost (with Hexeblaumon depicted on its art), putting Shoto at 2. This allows it to trash 2 digivolution sources from each of Shoto's Battle Area Digimon, though the only target is Galemon who has 0. Due to the effect failing to trash any sources, Frozen Knight is allowed to play a lv4 or lower Ice-Snow Digimon for free — which it uses to play EX7-019: Sorcermon. The last part of the effect makes it so digivolution sourceless Digimon can't attack during Shoto's next turn whilst Hexeblaumon's own effect prevents Digimon with the same amount or less digivolution than sources from suspending.
Shoto digivolves his ST18-10: GrandGalemon to ST18-12: Zephagamon, with its on digivolving effect suspending and unsuspending one of Frozen Knight's Digimon. As a Digimon has just unsuspended, Zephagamon's DP increases by 3000 to 18000 (ST18-04: Pteromon and different Galemon's inherited effects had already increased it 2000DP each, from 11000 to 15000). This also makes Zephagamon immune to the effects of Frozen Knight's Digimon, allowing it to attack (as Hexeblaumon's effect disallowed it to suspend, meaning it was unable to attack). He has Zephagamon attack Frozen Knight directly, and uses EX7-004: Fluffymon's inherited when attacking effect to suspend Sorcermon so it can't block his attack. Zephagamon's attack reveals another copy of Hexeblaumon — though its 11000DP is too low and Zephagamon wins the battle. Shoto activates ST18-15: Anemoi Embrace for 5 cost, putting Frozen Knight at 5 memory, using it to suspend Hexeblaumon. He then uses its third effect to unsuspend Zephagamon and uses Zephagamon's Vortex effect to attack the suspended Hexeblaumon. Shoto uses the effect of ST18-14 to suspend itself and change his attack to target Frozen Knight instead and as Frozen Knight has no security shields left, Shoto wins. Out of Control (Part 2)
Digimon Liberator DEBUG[]
During Suzune Kazuki's duel with Reina, she digivolves EX7-021: CrysPaledramon to EX7-023: Hexeblaumon. Hexeblaumon's When Digivolving effect activates, trashing four digivolution sources from Reina's Digimon — and as one of those was EX8-062: Piedmon ACE, its Overflow ability activates causing Reina to lose 4 memory. DEBUG.4-2 GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE
Digimon Encounters[]
Hexeblaumon digivolves from CrysPaledramon.
Digital Monster X Ver.3[]
Hexeblaumon digivolves from CrysPaledramon in both versions, and can also digivolve from Mamemon X in the Yellow version. In the Yellow version, Hexeblaumon can digivolve to Gankoomon X and Magnamon X, whilst in the Blue version, Hexeblaumon can digivolve to UlforceVeedramon X.