
Template:Digital Lifeform Infobox Grani, formerly known in a different form as "The Ark", is the name of an ark that was created by the reunited Monster Makers to bring the Tamers from the increasingly unstable Digital World to the Real world. It was constructed from the code used for the original Digimon program created by the Monster Makers in 1984.

When it received all of the children and their Digimon partners inside, it began to ride the data trails back to the Real world; however, the light trails disappeared halfway through the journey, at which point it began to fall. Unbeknownst to the majority of the passengers, it was an intelligent being who understood them. Guilmon and Takato Matsuki were able to communicate with the Ark, which developed a strong bond with them, a fact that would later play a huge role in the fight against the D-Reaper. As a result, it began to propel itself using its own data, sacrificing itself in order to get the passengers back home. However, as soon as all had disembarked from it and contacted Yamaki in advance, it disintegrated back into the Digital World, much to the dismay of Dolphin, the brains behind the ark.

Zero ARMS Grani

Zero ARtificial MonSter Grani (Zero ARMS Grani) (ゼロアームズ・グラニ zeroāmuzu gurani) is a special type of Digimon who also serves as a transport vehicle. It was named after Sigurd's horse from Norse mythology. Grani mainly served as a "steed" for Gallantmon to ride on, and had Mitsuo Yamaki's Yuggoth Program installed. Grani was originally a rudimentary digital lifeform, but soon evolved into a sentient Digimon. Later the ark was modified and brought to the Real World by Henry Wong's D-Power, and Gallantmon gives it life. Its destruction gave Gallantmon the power to transform into "Gallantmon Crimson Mode" for the final battle against the D-Reaper. Grani also saved Beelzemon after he was attacked by the D-Reaper. It was voiced by Dave Mallow.

Notes and References
