This article is about the Digimon known as Gargoylemon in various English materials. For the Digimon known as Gargomon in most English materials, see Gargomon. |
Gargoylemon is a Dark Animal Digimon. It armor-digivolved through the power of the "Digi-Egg of Light". Originally, it was a Demon-species Digimon, but it supressed its power with restraints and there are occasions when it is employed as a familiar for Angel Digimon. It is said that when it is freed from control due to those restraints, it exhibits tremendous power.[3] ArkhaiAngemon employ Gargoylemon as its underlings. It uses a flaming maelstrom to summon them then controls them with the two Holy Chains wrapped around its arms.[4]
- Freezing Wing (White Statue): Creates white statues to launch at the enemy.
- Statue Bomber (Black Statue)
- Gargomon (ガーゴモン)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in Japanese media.
- (En:) Gargoyle.
- Gargoylemon
Official name given by the Digimon Encyclopedia and used in American English media.
- (En:) Gargoyle.
D-3 virtual pet[]
Digimon Fusion[]
Digimon World 3[]
Gargoylemon can be found in Amaterasu's East Sector, in Protocol Forest and Protocol Ruins.
Digimon Battle[]
Gargolyemon has the stat build of 4 STR, 1 DEX, 2 CON, 1 INT. It is obtainable by Armor Digivolution for Veemon by using an Evolutor and a Digi-Egg of Light + 1.
Digimon Masters[]
Gargolyemon Armor digivolves from Veemon using the Digi-Egg of Light.
Digimon Heroes![]
Gargomon is card 6-222.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ Gargoylemon is a Champion Digimon in the Digital Monster Card Game and a Rookie in Digimon Battle.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 D-3 Version 1
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: Gargomon
- ↑ Digimon Reference Book: ArkhaiAngemon