
Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) is an Unknown Digimon. A profound bond between Gabumon and its Partner, it is a legendary, final digivolution that realized after countless possibilities. The undying "Friendship" of its Partner turned into elegant armor which covers its body, and appears as proof of the trust coursing through one another. It is able to fly by generating photon light wings on its back, but it can also transform into its Motorcycle Mode, which is its Partner's favorite vehicle, and drive fast together.[6]


  • Raddle Star: A tracking weapon equipped with AI, regardless of the range.
  • Full-Metal Machinegun (Full Metal Machine Gun): Causes a downpour of iron to rain down from the Cowl Parts on its arms.
  • Cool Edge: Purges the Cowl Parts and unleashes an instant attack.
  • Moon Phase (Moon Tense) Fires laser beams in all directions. There are no delays.
  • Gabumon's Friendship: Increases the critical hit rate of its, and its allies', attacks.


Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) is a humanoid cyborg in dark blue, lupine armor emblazoned with neon red lights, including several making up its talons. It is equipped with many firearms, and has futuristic VTOL-style wings stretching from its back that generate yellow holographic rotor-wheels. It has a dark blue mane under its helmet.

Some media depict Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) with three fingers, whilst some depict it with four fingers.


Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna- (ガブモン -友情の絆-)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise. Some media omits the hyphens.

  • (Ja:) Gabu Kashira (がぶ頭?). A Kabuki puppet whose face instantly changes from that of a timid maiden to a horned fiend with the pull of a string.
  • (Ja:) Yūjō no (友情の? lit. of "Friendship")
  • (Ja:) Kizuna (? lit. "Bond")
Gabumon (Bond of Friendship)

Name used in the American English version of Digimon ReArise. The Digimon Card Game instead formats it as Gabumon - Bond of Friendship.

  • (Ja:) Gabu Kashira (がぶ頭?). A Kabuki puppet whose face instantly changes from that of a timid maiden to a horned fiend with the pull of a string.
  • (En:) Bond
  • (En:) of
  • (En:) Friendship


When deciding on the Japanese name of Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna- the staff had trouble coming up with a name.[7] Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna production staff suggested to make the name something everyone could understand as people of all ages; young, old, male, and female, would be watching the movie, and so it was decided to make the name obvious.[8]


Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[]

Digimon ReArise[]

Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) is an Ultra level Digimon that some instances digivolves from MetalGarurumon.

Digimon Masters[]

Gabumon – Bond of Friendship is a Burst Mode Digimon that digivolves from MetalGarurumon with the Last Evolution - Friendship.

Digimon New Century[]

Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) digivolves from MetalGarurumon.

Notes and references[]
