
Frigimon is the Partner Digimon of Suzune Kazuki in the Digimon Liberator web novel.


Main article: Frigimon#Design

Frigimon is far larger than others of its kind.[1]


Unfailingly cheerful and jolly, Frigimon's presence on the debugging team helps maintain a positive atmosphere.[1]


During the Digimon Liberator beta test, Suzune Kazuki encountered Frigimon and convinced it to become her partner.[2]

Suzune and Frigimon travel through the Emerald Coast, with Suzune riding on Frigimon's shoulder. As they travel, they discuss Suzune's home life and how spoiled she acts. They go over their mission — to hunt down a rogue NPC that another player had recently fought against. This specific one was actually a wild Digimon that had taken over the NPC's body, causing the issue in the first place. Frigimon doubts their chances to find their target, though Suzune says they should be fine as recent eye witness reports place it in this area and that wild Digimon who possess NPCs can survive a lot longer than other wild Digimon. After a short search they find their target, Bulucomon, hiding in the dense vegetation. Suzune gets out a blank card and captures it, turning Bulucomon into a trading card. Before she can transfer it to the Garden, she hears a scream. Turning to the source of the scream, she is confronted Reina Oumi and her DemiDevimon who chastise her for capturing Bulucomon before they could. Reina complains that a casual like her doesn't enjoy the game as much as she does, though quickly changes to thinking Suzune is cool when DemiDevimon makes up a story about how she is probably a hard working office lady just looking for a break from life by playing the game. Since the quest for Bulucomon wasn't public, they figure Suzune was here by coincidence and try offer her a deal though Suzune is more interested in learning who gave Reina the Bulucomon capture quest. Reina shows her blank card and quest information, showing that she would receive a large amount of Alt-Art chips if she succeeded in the mission. Still wanting to complete it, she offers half the reward to Suzune if she gives up Bulucomon — though rather than accept this deal — Suzune challenges Rein to a duel. If Reina wins, she gets the Bulucomon card. If Suzune wins, Reina has to drink tea with her. DEBUG.4-1 Suzune Kazuki The stipulation confuses Reina, though Suzune just says she wants to spend time with Reina. Reina accepts, and jokes about how Suzune wont get to spend that time with her as she will win.

Just before the duel begins, Frigimon talks to the recently captured Bulucomon and learns that it wanted to help her in the duel. Frigimon modifies her deck to include Bulucomon as it figured she would agree to its request. When Frigimon tells her, she figures this was Bulucomon testing her. Suzune goes on to win the duel, and learns from Reina how she had gotten the quest to capture Bulucomon. Reina had gotten a message with the quest, and had thought it came from the admin team due to how hefty the reward was. As thanks for helping her, and for suddenly being nice to her, Suzune gives Reina a copy of EX8-066 and upon realizing who Suzune was freaks out as she was now aware she was talking to one of the game's admins (though Suzune is part of the debug team, rather than being an admin herself). As Reina asks about the quest that supposedly came from the admin team, Suzune shushes her and tells her to keep the events a secret between the two of them.

Job done, Suzune and Frigimon leave. DEBUG.4-2 GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE

Yuuki and Impmon see a wild Wormmon (and didn't know what species it was) whilst in the Obsidian Desert, and leave to tell the others. This causes a widespread search of the Desert with multiple debug team members sent out to find it. Suzune goes with Ryutaro. They're unable to find it, though do see other debug members duelling NPCs so figure something must've been going on in the desert. The duo eventually come across Yuuki and Winr, with Ryutaro praising the duo for their work. Stopping for a break and a chat, they learn Yuuki and Winr hadn't found the Digimon either. Not wanting to doubt Yuuki and Impmon, Suzune says that with no one having been able to find the wild Digimon — it must've already died. Yuuki becomes visibly sad, though quickly puts on a fake smile to try and hide the pain. With the mission "complete", Ryutaro, Suzune, and their partners leave. DEBUG.6-1 OASIS

Other forms[]


Penguinmon b

Penguinmon is Frigimon's Rookie form.[1]


PolarBearmon b

PolarBearmon is Frigimon's Ultimate form.[1]


Skadimon b

Skadimon is Frigimon's Mega form.[1]

Notes and references[]
