Forums: Index > Watercooler > Majin - translation question

I recently did some research into Japanese Digimon types and I'm interested in this type - 魔人. I found out that the most common translation to this is magician, sorcerer or conjurer. Although the first kanji translates into "demon" and the second to "man", I'm not sure that the whole phrase translates like this. Source: [1] Final Cannon Dyskusja 18:22, August 10, 2013 (UTC

As a compound it refers to humans who take on demonic power (old meanings of wizard, etc.) -- the wiktionary page explains that the magician, sorcerer, or conjurer translations are essentially kludges, rather than 1:1. We translate it more literally because the various profiles, how the cards work, etc., often put emphasis on the Digimon with 魔 in their type being linked; furthermore, similar types don't lend themselves to using a more fluid translation. For example, "God Man" could be appropriately translated as "Shaman", but it is self-evident that Digimon with that type are meant to be incarnations of various gods, rather than merely the shamans who communicate with them. So, while "Majin" could be translated more fluidly, using the literal translation emphasizes the implied link it has with other types; furthermore, the literal translation lends itself better to the Digimon included within. "Demon Man " would include actual demons and those who dabble in the occult, while "Wizard" (what BoA uses) would imply only those who use magic. The Agunimon-line, Strabimon, and the Wizardmon-group are the only members who are not overtly demonic, and even then they are often depicted as somewhat on the shady side; in contrast, many of the members of the type are not known for being spellcasters.
There is an argument to be made for the Dinosaur types, however, being too fluidly translated, at least in relation to Brachiomon and Shoutmon X3GM. For those, my argument would be that the fluid translation is very common, rather than a somewhat obscure usage, and nearly all of the Digimon in those types are clearly meant to be dinosaurs of the specified type; Brachiomon and Shoutmon X3GM would be the outliers who deserve a ref note explaining the type, but not redefinition of the type.Now activating Project: SPIDERS EVERYWHERE 19:17, August 10, 2013 (UTC)