« Digimon Adventure ep 05 »
List of Digimon Adventure episodes 05
Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
電光! カブテリモン
(Denkou! Kabuterimon)
"Lightning! Kabuterimon"
Other title(s)
(Pt:) "Kabuterimon" (Kabuterimon)
(Ja:) Fuji Television
(En:) Saban Entertainment
Airdate (Ja:) April 4, 1999
(En:) September 11, 1999
Written by (Ja:) Hiro Masaki
(En:) Mike Reynolds, John Ludin
Directed by (Ja:) Hiroki Shibata
Chief Anim.
Masahiro Naoi
Art Yukiko Iijima
Toei Animation
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Izzy makes an interesting discovery, in a strange factory with no particular purpose, whilst the others are forced to run from the unstoppable Andromon.


DA ep 05 recap

Episode recap for Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker.


The DigiDestined and their partners are all very tired from wandering around, and Izzy's laptop still won't work. Tai tries hitting it and Izzy gets mad. Tai sees smoke in the distance, and he and Agumon go to see what it is. Izzy finally gets his computer working, but unfortunately, the battery is low. Tai calls everyone else over, and they see the smoke is from a factory. The kids go to investigate it, but find the factory to be abandoned. There are, however, lots of machines putting things together by themselves.

Everyone splits up into two groups. The group of Tai, Agumon, Sora, Biyomon, Joe, and Gomamon find an Andromon stuck under a machine. They are able to free him, but at the same time, a Black Gear gets stuck in his leg. He wakes up and begins to attack. Agumon blasts the roof above Andromon, and it collapses on top of him. The group then runs away. Meanwhile, Izzy, Tentomon, Matt, Gabumon, Mimi, Palmon, T.K., and Patamon find a giant battery that powers the whole factory. Izzy tries to figure out how it works as the others watch the machines. Izzy and Tentomon find a way inside the battery, which is full of codes. Izzy erases some of it, and the factory looses all of its power. When Izzy rewrites the code in, the power comes back.

Meanwhile, Andromon has gotten free and is chasing Tai's group. Izzy is still trying to decode the inscriptions in the battery. Tentomon wonders why Izzy would rather spend time with puzzles than with people. Izzy says it's because he thinks it fun to try and figure things out. He wants to know how they all got to the Digital World and what the Digimon are. Tentomon says he still doesn't understand Izzy and asks if there is a deep dark secret he's hiding. Izzy remembers a conversation that he overheard his parents having. Suddenly, the text on Izzy's computer starts to jumble and his Digivice starts to glow. The machines that Matt's group are watching start to take the things they are building apart. Izzy has unlocked something on his computer, but Tentomon starts burning and glowing. Izzy disconnects the program and Tentomon gets better. Andromon is about to get Tai's group when Tai grabs him with a crane, and he is stuck as they run away.

Everyone comes back together, but Andromon has gotten free and finds them. He shoots missiles that are about to hit T.K. but Garurumon saves him. Then the missiles aim for everyone else and Greymon joins Garurumon. Unfortunately, the two champions can't beat the ultimate. Then Izzy puts the program back into his computer and Tentomon digivolves to Kabuterimon. Kabuterimon destroys the black gear by aiming for Andromon's right leg, and Andromon becomes good again. Then he helps the kids get out of the factory by going through the sewers. Once in the sewers, Tai and Agumon try to hit Izzy's computer again, but Izzy simply moves out of the way, so they hit each other.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Rookie Champion Ultimate

Digimon Analyzer[]

Cyborg Digimon
Special Move
Spiral Sword,
Gatling Missile
Tentomon: "Andromon is one of the most powerful Digimon of all. His body is a tireless machine, capable of almost anything."


(Number indicates order of occurrence.)

Gabumon 1 Garurumon 4 Gabumon
Gabumon b Arrow R Garurumon b Arrow R Red Gabumon b
Agumon 2 Greymon 4 Agumon
Agumon b Arrow R Greymon b Arrow R Red Agumon b
Tentomon 3 Kabuterimon 4 Tentomon
Tentomon b Arrow R Kabuterimon b Arrow R Red Tentomon b


Matt: "Check out Izzy. I bet he's trying to e-mail the aliens."
Tai: "Maybe he's asking them to beam him up."

—Matt and Tai don't give too much credit to Izzy's alien theory.

"The attention span of a gnat."

Joe makes a pretty accurate observation of Tai.

"A battery like that could run my computer forever!"

Izzy gets excited when the group stumbles over a giant power source.

"He looks friendly enough. And I'm sure if we're nice to him, he'll be nice to us...! Forget what I said about him being friendly!!"

Sora tries to reassure Joe that everything will be fine, but she's proven wrong when Andromon grabs her by the leg.

"Can anyone explain why we're tiptoeing instead of running for our lives?!"

Joe raises a very good point.

"That was a smooth move, Izzy."

Izzy berates himself for short-circuiting the lights.

"This is- not- good. I- don't- like- this- at- all!"

Joe can barely spare a breath for pessimistic talk as he and the others run from Andromon.

"Tentomon to Izzymon, are you reading me?"

Tentomon tries to get Izzy's attention off the computer screen.

"Would you please stop taunting the deranged android?!"

Joe doesn't approve of Tai's distraction.

"I don't like the tone of his voice."

Matt senses that Tai has bad news.

Mimi: "I know I can do this. Really, I can. Okay. Ready, set..."
Tai: "Okay, that only took about four minutes."

—Tai got impatient waiting for Mimi to jump down from the sewer tunnel.

Other notes[]

Continuity errors

  • This is the first time, in the English dub, we hear one of the kids refer to their Digivice as a Digivice, though this name isn't actually revealed to the group until later.

Animation errors

  • In a side shot of Mimi, T.K., Palmon, Gomamon and Patamon at the beginning of the episode, the strap of Mimi's bag is the same color as her dress, and the green tips on Palmon's fingers are a slightly lighter tone of purple.
  • When Tai and Agumon go to the factory, Palmon's fingers are completely purple.
  • In a close-up shot of Izzy with his laptop, the yellow and white on the back are the wrong way around.
  • When Matt, Sora and Joe stop near Tai, Joe's digivice is colored like the buckle on his bag.
  • When the group are looking at the factory, the buckle of Sora's belt is pink instead of gray, and the scleras of T.K.'s eyes are missing.
  • When the group are exploring the factory, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing.
  • When Joe is telling the group to investigate, his left wristband is green instead of yellow, part of Sora's belt seems to be missing, Palmon's fingers are the same color as her body, and a space between Gomamon's right ear and body is colored green.
  • When Izzy and the others look inside the power supply room, T.K.'s sleeves are the same color as his torso.
  • When Agumon points to Andromon, for a brief moment, Joe's right sock is missing, and Biyomon's fingers are colored blue instead of red.
  • In an above shot of Tai, Sora, Joe and their Digimon looking at Andromon, the cords of Tai's shoe are missing, the spaces between Sora's arms and legs and between Gomamon's right ear and right hind leg are white, and Biyomon's feet are colored pink instead of yellow.
  • In a side shot of Izzy touching the large battery, the lower sides of Tentomon's head are colored green instead of red.
  • When Tai, Sora, Joe and their Digimon are pulling Andromon out, Joe's left wristband is colored green instead of yellow.
  • When celebrating after pulling Andromon out, Sora's belt is the same color as her pants, and the pupil of Agumon's eye is missing for a brief moment.
  • When Sora and Joe stop Tai form hitting Andromon, Joe's left is colored green instead of yellow.
  • In a shot of Joe speaking from Andromon's perspective, the yellow stripes on Tai's shirt are missing.
  • When Biyomon uses her Spiral Twister attack, the ring on her left leg seems to keeps moving back and forth.
  • Just before Tai and Agumon catch Sora, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing.
  • When Tai, Sora and Joe run away from Andromon, Joe's left wristband is green and his watch is missing.
  • When Matt, Mimi, T.K. and their Digimon are looking at the machine, Mimi's belt is the same color as her dress.
  • When Tai, Sora, Joe and their Digimon are running before the blackout, Joe's digivice seems to be missing, and the blue tips on Biyomon's head feathers are missing.
  • In a close-up shot of Tai, Sora and Joe stopping in the blackout, Tai's right sleeve is colored yellow for a brief moment.
  • When Tai, Sora, Joe and their Digimon notice Andromon's Lightning Blade attack and run away from it, and when they fall, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing.
  • When the others look at Matt, Mimi's belt is missing.
  • When Tai looks around while hanging, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing, and Joe's watch is backwards.
  • When Tentomon turns away from Izzy, the black space on his shell is colored green, his right thigh is colored red instead of green, and the gray sections on his left thigh are missing.
  • In a close-up shot of Izzy after his flashback, the inner sides of the straps of his laptop bag are the same color as his shirt.
  • When Tentomon stops shaking, his upper arms are red instead of green.
  • As Andromon approaches Sora, Joe and their Digimon, Joe's left wristband is green.
  • When Tai, Sora, Joe and their Digimon run away while Andromon is still shaking, Andromon's lower jaw is the same color as his body.
  • In a distant shot of Matt, Mimi, T.K. and their Digimon, part of Gabumon's body is colored black, and his tail is the same color as his fur coat.
  • When Izzy explains his discovering to the others, the lower sides of Tentomon's head are colored green instead of red, his right claw is colored red instead of gray, and the green tips on Palmon's fingers are a slightly lighter tone of purple.
  • As Tai and the others arrive, the black band on Tai's left arm disappears for a brief moment.
  • When Matt and the others look at Tai and the others, Gabumon's toenails are colored violet instead of white.
  • As Tai, Sora, Joe and their Digimon avoid Andromon's Gatling Attack, Joe's right wristband is colored green instead of yellow.
  • When Andromon's Gatling Attack explodes behind Greymon, part of the blue stripe on Greymon's right shoulder is colored white.
  • When the group is shown after Andromon throws Greymon and Garurumon down, Sora's belt is the same color as her pants.
  • When Andromon deflects Greymon's Nova Blast attack, his mouth disappears for a brief moment.
  • When Garurumon lunges towards Andromon, he has blue markings on his hind paws.
  • When the group look at Kabuterimon, the lower tip of Sora's hat is the same color as the rest of it, and Patamon is completely orange.
  • When Joe complains about Andromon not having any weak spot, the strap of Izzy's laptop bag is the same color as his shirt.
  • In a front shot of Izzy with his laptop, his Digivice is missing.
  • When the group look at the black gear, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing.
  • In a shot of the group and Andromon, Joe's left wristband is colored green instead of yellow, and Andromon's lower jaw is the same color as his body.
  • When Mimi enters the sewer, the light green stripes on T.K.'s hat are missing.
  • When Izzy's laptop turns off, his digivice is the same color as his shirt.
  • Just before running away from Tai and Agumon, Tentomon's right upper arm, left claw and right thigh are red (the left claw is back to normal in the next frame).
  • In a shot of Sora, Joe and Biyomon, part of Joe's left wristband is colored green instead of yellow.
  • In the shot after Tentomon digivolves, Patamon's body is orange all over.

Dubbing changes

  • In the original episode, rather than talking about finding a cafeteria, Joe insists that there must be humans nearby (a continuing theme in the early Japanese episodes).
  • In the original version, Andromon speaks with robotic sound effects being heard along with his voice. This continues in Digimon Adventure 02.

Digimon references

  • A flashback in this episode depicts a moment in Izzy's past when he becomes upset over hearing a private conversation between his parents. It is later explained that this conversation concerned his adoption.

Real-world references

  • When Tentomon begins to overheat, he says "I'm dancing like I've never danced before", referring to the song "Maniac" by Michael Sembello.
  • Tai jokingly asks if Izzy is contacting aliens to "beam him up", referring to Star Trek.

Miscellaneous trivia

  • Kabuterimon announces the episode title in the Japanese episode.
  • Andromon is the first Ultimate Digimon to appear in the series.
  • In the English dub, Izzy finally abandons his "alien theory", upon making his discoveries about the digital world.
