
Digimon Xros Wars Time Hunters: Reverse Demention is a 5 hour long special of Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time. It reveals another world only inbetween the Real World, Digital World and DigiQuartz, DigiReverse.


After things were settled, Taiki Kudou, Tagiru Akashi and Yuu Amano desded to visit DigiQuartz again, but this time, they saw something very strange...it was Shoutmon, Gumdramon and Damemon! But they are right here...turns out...they're evil versions! Fan:BlackShoutmon, Fan:RedGumdramon and Fan:BlackDamemon battled against them until the Hunter's Digimon saved them! It didn't made sence to them but a while later, it turns out they were light versions of them! Gabumon, Fan:WhiteOpossumon and Fan:NovaDracmon were heros of a place called "DigiReverse" but then one day, BlackShoutmon, RedGumdramon and BlackDamemon destroyed peace. And now both Hunters must work together for this evil.


Gumdramon t > File:Dashdramon.PNG > Arresterdramon t

Shoutmon (King Version) t > OmniShoutmon t

Damemon t > Tuwarmon t

Psychemon t > Astamon t

Opossummon t > Cho-Hakkaimon b

Dracmon t > Yasyamon t

File:BlackShoutmon.png > EvilShoutmon

File:BlackDamemon.png > File:BlackTsuwamon.png

RedGumdramon > RedArresterdramon

Gabumon t > LightAstamon

WhiteOpossumon > Lady-Hakkaimon

NovaDracmon > NovaYasamon
