
Club Digi.[]

Club Digi was a Irish run club of people with digimon .Their controversial ethos was that a digimon if desired badly could be attained by finding an image of that digimon and meditateing over it.It was started by a boy with a demidevimon. He later introduced his friends to it and it became a common playground discussion.The concept was that: 1.The digimon was to be nurtured played with and fed. 2.Digimon are to socialize with others. 3.Minimum uses of dark digivolves without the "Karma protect"seal from a Seraphimon. 4.finally a digimon or owner will be shunned if willingly alligned with an evil digimon.(Note this later caused the downfall of the group.)

The Prime[]

Was when the group had many members and the system was calm. Each night one member might contact another or on occasions a new person would be introduced.(pseudo noms are used )The members were : Phi Mil Mick Dyl Shan Oreo Toma Matt Ana Dom

The end[]

Started when Mil took an interest in the spirit evolutions.He gave everyone one so that he could get out battling with his digimon. The spirits are as follows: Phi=Ice Ana=Water Mick=earth Mil=dark

This however led to many arguments. Eventually, Shan started mocking the club and soon after led the downfall.Due to a dispute this size the group (on loose ground )disbanded.
