
DoGatchmon is a Super Search Appmon. An Appmon with super-enhanced search capabilities. It can dive into the depths of the internet and find information that cannot be found through normal searches. [3]


  • Deep Dive: Warps the pointers to create a portal into the Net Ocean, and dives in to look for the result of a search.
  • DoGatch Buster: Warps the pointers to its hands, then fires a powerful blast of energy.
  • Sonic Slash: Combines two of its pointers into a sword, and slashes at the opponent.


DoGatchmon is humanoid Appmon with yellow eyes. It wears white armor and a red jacket, as well as metalic shoes. Its helmet has "V"-shaped horns and it has two green navigation pointers on its ears. Like most Appmon, it has two cables on its back to allow Applink.


DoGatchmon (ドガッチモン)

Official romanization given by Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters and used in the franchise.

  • (Ja:) Do. Possibly from "do" (? lit. "very much") or "dogatsuku" (ドが付く? lit. "to be (something) very much").
  • Gatch. From Gatchmon.


Digimon Universe App Monsters[]

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (manga)[]

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (3DS)[]

App Monster - Defense[]

Notes and references[]
