This article is about the Digimon known as Divemon in Vital Bracelet Digital Monster. For the Digimon known as Divemon in the American English game Digimon Fusion Fighters, see Divermon.

Divemon is an Aquatic Digimon. It is a Digimon that digivolved via data which studied the swimming styles of top swimmers. Although it has a merman-like appearance, it is capable of bipedal activities on land. Its swimming speed is top-class even among Aquatic Digimon, and its four eyes never lose sight of its underwater prey. Contrary to its ferocious appearance, it has a fair play spirit that pursues beautiful swimming.[1]


  • Fillet Blade: Slashes the enemy with the sharp fins all over its body.
  • Ripple Edge: Hurls pressurized water like a blade.
  • Liquid Veil: When Divemon is active on land it envelops itself in water armor which enhances its physical ability. As a result, even in places without water, it is able to exhibit the same strength as when it is underwater.


Divemon is a humanoid hammerhead shark.


Divemon (ダイブモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.


Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[]

Divemon digivolves from Bulkmon and Runnermon and can digivolve to Shivamon and Shroudmon. It can also DNA digivolve from Namakemon with a Data Champion Digimon, and can DNA digivolve to Kazuchimon with a Vaccine or Free Ultimate Digimon, Achillesmon with a Virus Ultimate Digimon, or to various other Mega Digimon by acting as the Data Ultimate Digimon requirement.

Notes and references[]
