Digimon Xros Wars is a manga based on the anime of same title. Although the first chapters mirrored the initial episodes of the anime, the manga quickly diverged to focus on a unique plot in which Bagramon seeks to revive ZeedMillenniummon and AxeKnightmon seeks to absorb all of the Head Officers. The manga also features omake which place the characters in a non-dramatic slice-of-life comedy. Despite the separate universes, with changes like Ewan Amano being entirely replaced by Kotone Amano or Mikey's backstory being completely rewritten, the manga does include the characters of the later seasons of the anime through its omake.
Plot Summary[]
Fusion Fighters United Army[]
Image | Character | Digimon | ||
Mikey Kudo Taiki Kudo (工藤 タイキ Kudō Taiki?) |
Shoutmon Fusion Fighters Fusion Fighters United Army | |||
A teenager chosen to wield the red Fusion Loader as the General of Fusion Fighters. He is very athletic but naive of his child prodigy abilities. He can't turn down a request for a favor and to help someone in need. | ||||
Christopher Aonuma Kiriha Aonuma (蒼沼 キリハ Aonuma Kiriha?) |
Greymon MailBirdramon Blue Flare | |||
A cold and calculating teenager chosen to wield the blue Fusion Loader as the General of the Blue Flare army. He sees Mikey as an important tool for his team but acts as a rival. Eventually, he and Blue Flare join forces with the Fusion Fighters. | ||||
Angie Hinomoto Akari Hinomoto (陽ノ本 アカリ Hinomoto Akari?) |
Dorulumon Cutemon | |||
Childhood friend of Mikey who is a year younger but acts like his big sister. She acts as the peacemaker for the Fusion Fighters. | ||||
Jeremy Tsurgi Zenjirou Tsurugi (剣ゼンジロウ Tsurugi Zenjirou?) |
Ballistamon | |||
Self proclaimed rival of Mikey who practices kendo and is very knowledgeable about machinery. He is also terrified of heights, much to his humiliation. | ||||
Kotone Amano (天野 コトネ Amano Kotone?) |
Sparrowmon Monimon | |||
Nene Amano's younger sister. She joins the Fusion Fighters as one of their Generals in order to save her sister. | ||||
- Wizardmon: A Digital World researcher who joins the Fusion Fighters in order to go with them to the Human World. He eventually creates Fusion Loaders for Angie and Jeremy.
- Gatomon: Wizardmon's bodyguard.
- Royal Knights: A group of Holy Knight Digimon that are the Digital World's sacred guardians, and serve God in preventing the coming of the "Red-and-black Dragon". They include UlforceVeedramon, Craniamon, Crusadermon, Dynasmon, and Leopardmon.
Bagra Army[]
- Bagramon: The Emperor of the Bagra Army.
- Three Officers: Bagramon's generals. They are composed of Tactimon, Laylamon, and Blastmon.
Image | Character | Digimon | ||
Nene Amano Nene Amano (天野 ネネ Amano Nene?) |
AxeKnightmon Shademon Midnight | |||
A mysterious girl who is the general of Midnight, blackmailed by AxeKnightmon through her sister Kotone into helping him obtain the Darkness Loader. | ||||
- Tuwarmon: Tuwarmon is Mightight's top spy. He has infiltrated the Bagra Army pretending to be a Digimon named Damemon. His partner is Tyutyumon.
- Tyutyumon: Tuwarmon's partner.
Other Characters[]
- ZeedMillenniummon: The prophecied "Red-and-black Dragon" who will destroy the Digital World.
- Tatsuya Sano: Mikey's childhood friend.
Digital World[]
External links[]
- V Jump's Digimon Xros Wars official site, with a web reader for chapters 1 and 2
- V Jump's Digimon Xros Wars web reader for chapter 22
Digimon Fusion | |
Fusion Fighters: | Mikey Kudo | Angie Hinomoto | Jeremy Tsurgi | Nene Amano | Shoutmon | Ballistamon | Dorulumon | Starmons | Cutemon | Beelzemon | Sparrowmon | Other members |
Blue Flare: | Christopher Aonuma | Greymon | MailBirdramon | Other members |
Midnight: | Nene Amano | AxeKnightmon | Sparrowmon | Tuwarmon | Tyutyumon | Other members |
Bagra Army: | Bagramon | Tactimon | Laylamon | Blastmon | Other members |
Other characters: | Ewan Amano | DigiCards | Other characters |
Other media: | Super Digica Taisen | Super Xros Wars Red and Blue | Digimon Xros Archive | Digimon Fusion Fighters |
See also: | Digimon | Digital World | DigiMelody | Fusion Loader | Darkness Loader | Code Crown | Xros Wars | DigiBytes | List of episodes |
Digimon Fusion Season 2 (The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms) | |
Fusion Fighters United Army: |
Fusion Fighters | Blue Flare | Ewan Amano | Mervamon | Other members |
Midnight: | Ewan Amano | AxeKnightmon | Tuwarmon | Tyutyumon | Other members |
Bagra Army: | Bagramon | Laylamon | Blastmon | Midnight | Dark Generals | Other members |
Other characters: | DigiCards | Other characters |
Other media: | Super Digica Taisen | Super Xros Wars Red and Blue | Digimon Xros Archive |
See also: | Digimon | Digital World | DigiMelody | Fusion Loader | Darkness Loader | Code Crown | Xros Wars | Generals | Dark Stone | D5 | List of episodes |
Digimon Xros Wars (manga) | |
Fusion Fighters: | Mikey Kudo | Angie Hinomoto | Jeremy Tsurgi | Kotone Amano | Shoutmon | Ballistamon | Dorulumon | Starmons | Cutemon | Sparrowmon | Wizardmon | Gatomon | Other members |
Blue Flare: | Christopher Aonuma | Greymon | MailBirdramon | Other members |
Midnight: | Nene Amano | AxeKnightmon | Sparrowmon | Shademon | Other members |
Fusion Fighters United Army: |
Fusion Fighters | Blue Flare | Royal Knights | Nene Amano | Luminamon | Other members |
Bagra Army: | Bagramon | Tactimon | Laylamon | Blastmon | Other members |
Other characters: | ZeedMillenniummon | Tatsuya Sano | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon | Digital World | DigiMelody | Fusion Loader | Darkness Loader | Code Crown | Xros Wars | Generals | Xros Code | Abyss Truffle | DigiBytes | Digi-Egg | List of chapters |