« Digimon Rikollection ch 01 »
List of Digimon Rikollection chapters 1
Digimon Rikollection EP1
デジモンリコレクション EP1
(Dejimon Rikorekushon EP1)
"Digimon Recollection EP1"
Publisher Digimon.net
Release date (Ja:) August 10, 2024
(En:) August 10, 2024
Written by Waga Okutsuwa
Art Waga Okutsuwa

After finding an old toy box, Riko's collection materializes into real Digimon.


On August 1, 2024, many areas in Tokyo are experiencing network disturbances. Mayu Nozomi loses a game due to lag and his sister Riko is ending a speedrun stream when a Botamon hatches on her Digivice iC, and later digivolves into Agumon. Annoyed by the toy's beeping sound, Mayu checks what his sister is doing and mocks her for still playing with Digimon. Riko shows her Digimon room to Mayu, who warns she will eventually become like him, whose dreams have been shattered after the Digimon summoning app's shutdown in the previous year. Riko climbs a chair to look for Mayu's old toy box filled with old toys, and falls down after finding it. As she falls down, a Kuramon hatches from a Digi-Egg and starts materializing the toys into real Digimon, so people would remember them.

Riko and Mayu see the many Digimon walking around the town and find the Kuramon, now digivolved into Keramon. Riko, angry at Keramon for stealing the toys, leaves the apartment to retrieve her collection. Mayu thinks this is all a dream and finds Agumon by his side, who tells him this is not a dream, and thus he can't run away. Riko returns with a bunch of Digimon. A Tsunomon jumps into Mayu and returns to toy form after he touches it. Agumon explains the shock of the toy box being turned over caused the Digimon to become real, but Mayu can turn them back into toys by touching them. Riko leaves again to retrieve the rest of the Digimon, but sees a Greymon and Parrotmon fighting in the street, unsure of how to catch them.

Riko rushes to save the Digimon caught up in the battle, while Agumon tries to protect her from Parrotmon's attack. Mayu is paralyzed by fear of his dreams being erased again. Unsure if it matters if a bunch of toys get erased, Mayu hears the Digivice iC's beep. Realizing dreams still matter, he takes the Digivice iC and finds the resolve to fight.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Fresh In-Training Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega Armor Hybrid Standard Super Other
  • Butterfly (1)
  • Lord Omega (7)
  • Chat messages (7)
  • Behemoth (35)


(Number indicates order of occurrence.)

Botamon 1 Agumon
Botamon b Arrow RR Agumon b

Kuramon 1 Keramon
Kuramon b Arrow RR Keramon b


Other notes[]

Dubbing changes

  • In the Japanese version, when Riko sees Keramon materializing Digimon, she asks "What!?" (何者 (ナニモン)!? Nanimon!??) and Mayu replies it is not Nanimon. In the English version, Riko instead says "More 'mon!" and Mayu replies "You mean Metamormon?".

Digimon references
