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Digimon Pinball is a now defunct Digimon Shockwave game which was a Digimon themed pinball game that was hosted on the now defunct ToonDisney.com website. It was created to promote the Digimon Adventure 02 series of Digimon, being skinned with images of Digimon from that series.

It was developed by Delaino Barris, who'd is responsible for creating many other Digimon flash browser games, and was published online by FoxKids around the year 2000-2001.


After a Splash screen showing the FoxKids logo, the user is shown a simple screen that explains the games controls, listed below. After this you are brought to the game screen which is a standard Pinball game layout thats coloured Blue and has a picture of Veemon and Gatamon and changes to Green with pictures of Veemon, Hawkmon and Digmon.


  • ENTER Key: to launch the ball
  • CONTROL Key: Left Paddle
  • SHIFT Key: for the right Paddle

Shoot the ball into the Digi-gate to play the secret Pinball level.

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