Digimon Paradox (デジモンパラドクス Dejimon Paradokusu?) is an online manga serialized in Digimon Comic. It began on August 10, 2024.
Ayumu Minato entered the Digimon Comic Award with Digital Monster Children:Code, and as a honorable mention was able to create Digimon Paradox for Digimon Comic.
Plot Summary[]
Reiji Shinonome rescues an injured Wanyamon, who came from the future and is said to be the one who will cause an "annihilation paradox" and destroy humankind. Now Reiji must fight those who target Wanyamon.
External links[]
Notes and references[]
Digimon Paradox | |
Main characters: | Reiji Shinonome | Eve |
Digimon: | Elecmon | Kuwagamon |
Other characters: | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon | Real World | List of chapters |