« Digimon Liberator DEBUG ch 06 »
Digimon Liberator DEBUG Chapter 6
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Digimon Seekers


« Digimon Liberator DEBUG ch 6-1 »
List of Digimon Liberator DEBUG chapters 6-1
DEBUG.6-1 Oasis
"DEBUG.6-1 Oasis"
Release date (Ja:) November 7, 2024
(En:) November 13, 2024
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Digimon Seekers


In the Obsidian Desert, Yuuki yells at Winr about how she had seen a green Digimon there earlier — with Winr telling her to keep it down since he had already suffered enough through having to travel through the Desert. She says Impmon saw it too, who backs up her claim and adds that it looked like a caterpillar. Winr asks FunBeemon's opinion, who says it may have been a DoKunemon, Wormmon, or even a new Digimon entirely. It points out that it had asked its Royal Base hive members to search around the desert beforehand, and that none of them had seen the green Digimon in question — though offers out the theory that it may have possessed an NPC or object since being spotted. Winr doubts this though, figuring that a random wild Digimon would have nowhere to hide, since so many debug team members were out looking for Maquinamon and that some had even captured some in the Desert and had made sure to check every single NPC and object in the area. He brings this up to Yuuki, who's protests go in vein. Winr asks why Yuuki is pushing so much about this supposed sighting, with her just saying "because". As he thinks over it, he realizes that she cares about all Digimon and how distraught she probably is about the fact that a wild Digimon could be suffering and then die as wild Digimon are unable to survive long inside LACUNA and so apologizes. As their partners try to cheer them up, Ryutaro Williams and Tyrannomon show up. Ryutaro praises the duo for their work, whilst Tyrannomon jumps into the nearby water to cool down. They are quickly followed by Suzune Kazuki and Frigimon, who had been working with Ryutaro and Tyrannomon.

Stopping for a break and a chat, Suzune says that she and Ryutaro hadn't found the Digimon either — though had seen some of the other debug members were duelling against a trio of NPCs and so something must've been going on in the desert. Not wanting to doubt Yuuki and Impmon, Suzune says that with no one having been able to find the wild Digimon — it must've already died. Yuuki becomes visibly sad, though quickly puts on a fake smile to try and hide the pain. With the mission "complete", Ryutaro, Suzune, and their partners leave — with Winr rooted firmly in place. FunBeemon asks if he wants to say something to Yuuki, with him slightly annoyed at him being so obvious. Rather than act on his wishes though, he decides to let Impmon do it instead as "it'll be harder for Impmon to open up if we're there". FunBeemon laughs and says how it's a mature response, though just offers for them to come up with what he can say to her whilst they wait for her to return to the base. Winr protests about how he can never win against FunBeemon, and leaves.

Within seconds of Impmon approaching Yuuki, a crying Yuuki apologizes to her partner. It insults her over her feelings, and tells her that it would be impossible for her to become friends with all Digimon if she were to continue to be such a mope. It tells her that just because no one had found it yet doesn't mean it isn't still alive and that if they found it, would it want to befriend a cry baby? shocked at its words, she stops crying and hugs it — thanking it for helping to cheer her up. Now ready to return to the base, she begins to walk back and holds out hope she would get to see the caterpillar Digimon again one day.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Champion

DEBUG.6-2 Unchained[]

« Digimon Liberator DEBUG ch 6-2 »
List of Digimon Liberator DEBUG chapters 6-2
DEBUG.6-2 Unchained
DEBUG.6-2 アンチェイン
"DEBUG.6-2 Unchain"
Release date (Ja:) November 7, 2024
(En:) November 13, 2024
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Digimon Seekers


In an unspecified dark location referred to as Unchained as "The Void", Unchained uses their power to conjure up some light. They remind themselves over and over again that they are not a human, and express annoyance over the fact they were upset over this fact. They become even more annoyed at how often they had come here to be upset, since they had been interacting with humans more often due to their role as a special advisor to the debug team. As they think about the various members of the debug team, they wonder if maybe they actually are a human, though quickly snaps out of that chain of thought and accepts that they'll never be a human nor a Digimon. Unchained decides not to blame the humans for how they felt, since it wasn't the human's fault, and wishes they could spend more time together. As they think of each member of the debug team one by one, they realize they love not just the debug team members — but every single person who likes Digimon — and that that was why they wanted to put them all to the test. They wonder what would happen if the Digimon were to turn on the humans, and how they would react, and that that was why they had been doing their plan.

They think back to a specific human and how he had given them his original partner Digimon (who Unchained had turned into a Maquinamon), and then summons more than 50 Maquinamon. They ask all of them if they think humans are frustrating, though receive no answer since they can't talk. Unchained becomes surprised to see that every single Maquinamon had been captured by the debug team (and then sent to Unchained) and they weren't alone — they had brought an unconscious Wormmon with them. Unchained had previously noticed how it was about to die in the Obsidian Desert, and as such had sent one of the Maquinamon out to rescue it. Unchained asks Wormmon if it was tough to live in LACUNA, though since it wasn't awake it also couldn't answer. Unchained laughs at how ironic it is that Digimon can't survive in LACUNA, since they were born there, and becomes determined to change the World so that Digimon could live in peace. They talk out loud about how Cool Boy has the same goal, but that his plans would take far too long and that many Digimon would die before his plans could come to fruition. They take one of the Maquinamon and turn it back into data — putting it inside Wormmon. This awoke Wormmon, with Unchained's next plan being to put Wormmon inside of an NPC. They open up a portal and send Wormmon out to LACUNA, with the Maquinamon data inside compelling it to go on a rampage and possess an NPC — all so that a debug team member would duel it and become stronger. Unchained then says they hope Cool Boy would be able to forgive them not just for their actions up to now — but for all their future actions as well.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Rookie Other