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Digimon Liberator DEBUG Chapter 4 | |||||||||
DEBUG.4-1 Suzune Kazuki[]
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DEBUG.4-1 Suzune Kazuki DEBUG.4-1 輝月涼音
"DEBUG.4-1 Kazuki Suzune" | |||||||||
Release date | (Ja:) August 8, 2024 (En:) August 7, 2024 | ||||||||
Suzune Kazuki and Frigimon travel through the Emerald Coast, with Suzune riding on Frigimon's shoulder. As they travel, they discuss Suzune's home life and how spoiled she acts. They go over their mission — to hunt down a rogue NPC that another player had recently fought against. This specific one was actually a wild Digimon that had taken over the NPC's body, causing the issue in the first place. Frigimon doubts their chances to find their target, though Suzune says they should be fine as recent eye witness reports place it in this area and that wild Digimon who possess NPCs can survive a lot longer than other wild Digimon. After a short search they find their target, Bulucomon, hiding in the dense vegetation. Suzune gets out a blank card and captures it, turning Bulucomon into a trading card. Before she can transfer it to the Garden, she hears a scream. Turning to the source of the scream, she is confronted Reina Oumi and her DemiDevimon who chastise her for capturing Bulucomon before they could. Reina complains that a casual like her doesn't enjoy the game as much as she does, though quickly changes to thinking Suzune is cool when DemiDevimon makes up a story about how she is probably a hard working office lady just looking for a break from life by playing the game. Since the quest for Bulucomon wasn't public, they figure Suzune was here by coincidence and try offer her a deal though Suzune is more interested in learning who gave Reina the Bulucomon capture quest. Reina shows her blank card and quest information, showing that she would receive a large amount of Alt-Art chips if she succeeded in the mission. Still wanting to complete it, she offers half the reward to Suzune if she gives up Bulucomon — though rather than accept this deal — Suzune challenges Rein to a duel. If Reina wins, she gets the Bulucomon card. If Suzune wins, Reina has to drink tea with her.
Featured characters[]
(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)
Humans | Rookie | Champion |
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Release date | (Ja:) August 8, 2024 (En:) August 7, 2024 | ||||||||
Suzune Kazuki has just challenged Reina Oumi to a duel, in which if Reina wins she will get the Bulucomon that Suzune had just trapped in a card. If Suzune wins, Reina has to drink tea with her. The stipulation confuses Reina, though Suzune just says she wants to spend time with Reina. Reina accepts, and jokes about how Suzune wont get to spend that time with her as she will win.
Just before the duel begins, Frigimon tells Suzune that it has talked to the recently captured Bulucomon and that it wanted to help her in the duel. She figures this was Bulucomon testing her, with Frigimon already having modified her deck to include Bulucomon as it figured she would agree to its request.
Suzune wins the duel, and learns from Reina how she had gotten the quest to capture Bulucomon. Reina had gotten a message with the quest, and had thought it came from the admin team due to how hefty the reward was. As thanks for helping her, and for suddenly being nice to her, Suzune gives Reina a copy of EX8-066 and upon realizing who Suzune was freaks out as she was now aware she was talking to one of the game's admins (though Suzune is part of the debug team, rather than being an admin herself). As Reina asks about the quest that supposedly came from the admin team, Suzune shushes her and tells her to keep the events a secret between the two of them.
Job done, Suzune and Frigimon leaves upon returning talks to follow debug team member Yuuki. Suzune asks if Cool Boy was around so that she could report to a GM, with Yuuki pointing to him at the other side of the room as he's mid conversation with Unchained. Yuuki asks if she should get Cool Boy for her, though Suzune decides against it as they were clearly too busy. She tells Yuuki to tell no one about what she just told her with Yuuki agreeing and then leaving to go to class. Frigimon chastises Suzune for revealing said information to Yuuki, with Suzune claiming she had no choice in the matter and had to tell her as someone being able to send a fake admin message was a big deal. Frigimon asks if Suzune thinks there's a traitor and that's why she doesn't want to tell the GMs, with Suzune confirming that that's what her theory was. Seeing Suzune was worried about potential traitors, Frigimon tells its partner it will always be by her side.
Featured characters[]
(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)
Humans | Rookie | Champion | Ultimate | Mega |
Gameplay notes[]
Suzune Kazuki vs. Reina Oumi[]
The start of the duel is skipped. Suzune Kazuki has a EX7-021: CrysPaledramon in her Breeding Area, and has lost one of her security cards. Reina Oumi has EX8-060: Myotismon, having played it on her last turn for a cost of 7, and has also lost one of her security cards. Standard actions such as drawing a card at start of turn or after digivolving are generally omitted for clarity.
Suzune plays a copy of EX8-023: PolarBearmon for a cost of 7, with this activating its On Play effect. This allows Suzune to trash any 2 digivolution sources from Reina's Digimon, with a second effect that she can choose one of Reina's Digimon with no digivolution sources and disallow it from suspending and using When Digivolving effects until the end of her next turn. There are no Digimon on Reina's field with sources to strip, making the first effect fail, though Suzune is able to use the second effect and uses it on Myotismon.
Reina plays EX8-062: Piedmon ACE for a cost of 7, with its On Play effect activating. Reina can lower the DP of a Digimon four times by 2000, with all four uses targeting PolarBearmon. This totals to 8000DP, and as PolaBearmon has 7000 — it is destroyed. Piedmon's second effect then activates, summoning a level 4 or lower Nightmare Soldiers Digimon for free from Reina's Trash — which Reina uses to revive EX8-010: Meramon. She then activates the effect of Myotismon, which allows two of the Digimon on her field to DNA digivolve in to a Nightmare Soldiers Digimon and then attack as a Nightmare Soldiers Digimon was just played. She uses this effect to DNA digivolve Piedmon and Myotismon into EX8-064: Boltboutamon. As Boltboutamon counts as a new Digimon, it is not under the restriction of PolarBearmon and is able to use its On Digivolving effects. Reina is able to de-digivolve one of Suzune's Digimon three times, with all of her Digimon losing 6000DP. There are no targets for these effects, however. Its DNA Digivolving effects allows her to play any combination of Nightmare Soldiers Digimon for free from the Trash as long as their Play Costs don't exceed a combined total of 10. She uses this to revive EX8-013: SkullMeramon. The previous effect continues, allowing Boltboutamon to attack. Reina activates the inherited When Attacking effect of Myotismon, deleting Meramon to allow Boltboutamon to unsuspend. This activates Boltaboutamon's once per turn effect, in which when a Digimon is deleted Suzune has to trash one of her security cards — dropping her to 3. Boltboutamon's attack goes through, and as it unsuspended she attacks a second time — Suzune having lost 3 security cards via the attacks and effect.
- The Meramon and SkullMeramon cards were unknown at the time of the chapter's release. Meramon has an On Play effect to delete a Digimon with less than 5000DP, but Reina had no targets.
Suzune moves CrysPaledramon from the Breeding Area to the Battle Area and then pays 4 memory to digivolve it to EX7-023: Hexeblaumon. Hexeblaumon's When Digivolving effect activates, trashing four digivolution sources from Reina's Digimon — and as one of those was Piedmon ACE, its Overflow ability activates causing Reina to lose 4 memory (essentially giving Suzune 4 memory). Suzune plays another copy of PolarBearmon for 7 cost, and uses its On Play effect on SkullMeramon.
Reina plays EX8-057: DemiDevimon for 3 memory, and uses its On Play effect which allows her to reveal the top three cards of her deck and add one Nightmare Soldiers card to her hand and one Fallen Angel Digimon to her hand. Any other cards will be put at the bottom of her deck. The first two unspecified cards fail the requirements, with the third card being another Piedmon ACE — who is a Nightmare Soldiers Digimon. She adds Piedmon ACE to her hand, and sends the other two cards to the bottom of her deck.
Suzune digivolves PolarBarmon to EX8-028: Skadimon and activates its When Digivolving effect — allowing Suzune to play a level 4 or lower Ice-Snow Digimon for free and this level can increased for each Digimon Reina has without a digivolution source. As Reina has two sourceless Digimon (SkullMeramon and DemiDevimon) Suzune can play a level 5 or 6 Digimon for free — though forgoes that and plays the level 4 EX8-022: Frigimon. Frigimon's On Play effect tries to trash 2 digivolution sources, though there are none to trash. As Reina has no Digimon with digivolution sources, Frigimon gives Suzune 1 memory — putting her at 0 and allowing her turn to continue. Suzune forgoes using its second When Digivolving effect — instead using it as a When Attacking effect (as the effect can be used either when digivolving or attacking but can only be used once per turn) after attacking with Skadimon. She places a Digimon with no digivolution sources to the bottom of the security stack to unsuspend and uses it on Reina's SkullMeramon. The rest of the duel is skipped, with Suzune winning.
- Frigimon's card was unknown at the time of the chapter's release.
(Number indicates order of occurrence.)
Myotismon | 1 | Boltboutamon | ||||||
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(w/ Piedmon) |
Piedmon | 1 | Boltboutamon | ||||||
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(w/ Myotismon) |
CrysPaledramon | 2 | Hexeblaumon | ||||||
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