
Episode 01[]

Shinya's birthday.

Episode 02[]


Takuya: "He [Tomoki] must only be in third grade or so..."

Takuya: "I'm in fifth grade! I'm older than him.
Izumi: "So we are the same age? Come on... I thought you were younger than me."
Takuya: "I'll be 11 years old soon!"
Izumi: "On which month?"
Takuya: "August."
Izumi: "So I'm older after all. My birthday is in May, so I'm three months older."

Episode 03[]


Takuya: "You [Tomoki] can't. You're only in third grade, aren't you?"

Given that Tomoki doesn't refute this claim, we can assume he's in third grade.

Junpei: "Well, I'm in sixth grade!"

Episode 08[]


J.P.: "Professor? I'm no professor, I'm only in the seventh grade."

Episode 09[]


Takuya: "I have a little brother [Shinya]. He's the same age as Tomoki."

Given that Tomoki is stated several times to be in third grade, we can assume Shinya is also in third grade.

Episode 27[]


Kouji: "I'm a fifth grader now. I can't be clinging to my parents."
