The Digimon Annual 2002 is a 2002 children's annual featuring DigiDestined, Digimon and other characters from both Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02.
The Annual was published by Pedigree in 2001 and was a follow-up to "Digimon Annual 2001", which came out the year previous year. The annual is currently out of print.
The annual contains:
- Guide: The Digidestined + their Digimon.
- Digivolve - Design your own Digimon.
- A comic strip version of "Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker!"
- Digimaze - Help guide TK through the factory.
- Digiword - Digimon crossword puzzle.
- Digicode Breaker - Use the symbols from the factory to break secret messages.
- A comic strip version of "Togemon in Toy Town"
- Picture Perfect - Copy the above picture onto the grid below.
- Digirings - Spot the dark rings hidden in the picture.
- Power Match - Match Digimon to their attacks.
- A game where you try to recognise Digimon from their silhouette.
- Fun with faces - Draw in the other half of Digimon faces.
- A comic strip version of "Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo"
- Eggstra Fun - A coin flipping game.
- Digidifference - Pick the odd one out.
- Digicolour - Colour Digimon.
- Digidot to digidot - Dot to dot game.
- A comic strip of "Evil Shows His Face"
- Digiwords - Word search.
- 'Digiquiz - A quiz.