The Digimon Adventure: Novel (デジモンアドベンチャー小説 Dejimon Adobenchā Shōsetsu?) is an official novelization of the anime Digimon Adventure. They are written by the show's director, Hiroyuki Kakudo, and one of the screenwriters, Hiro Masaki. The novel consists of three parts. Characters, both good and evil, are preserved. But the plot situations may vary. The novels provide finer detail of the characters' thoughts, backgrounds, and much more that were only glossed over in the anime.
Digimon Adventure: Part 1 ~Now The Adventure Begins~[]
The first book was pubished by Shueisha and was released aound April 25, 2001. The book is 250 pages long and covers the events of Digimon Adventure from the beginning all the way up to MetalGreymon defeating Etemon.
- Plot summary
A novel version of "Digimon", which is popular in games and anime, is now available! Seven elementary school students who came to the summer camp suddenly get lost in a mysterious world. And I met Digimon who said "I was waiting for you" !?
- Chapter 1: Drifting Ashore
- Prologue
- That Summer
- On The Other Side of the Aurora
- Mysterious Animals
- Attack of the Kuwagata Monster
- Where Are We?
- Chapter 2: File Island
- Black Gears
- The Deceptive Mansion
- The Village of Beginnings
- Chosen Children
- Light and Dark
- Chapter 3: Escape of the Desert
- Server Continent
- The Crest of Courage
- Access
- The Pyramid's Trap
- Taichi's Trial
- Perfect Level Evolution, MetalGreymon
- Digimon Adventure Character Catalog
- Afterword
Digimon Adventure: Part 2 ~The Eighth Chosen Child~[]
The second book was published by Shueisha and released in Japan on June 22, 2001. It is around 228 pages long and covers events from Digimon Adventure from just after the defeat of Etemon up to the eigth child plot.
- Plot summary
Taichi and Agumon go missing in the battle with Etemon. The children who have fallen apart begin to be suspicious of each other by the trick of an enemy Digimon called Vandemon. What saved them when unity was about to break!?
- Chapter 4: The Lake of Separation
- Prologue – In A Remote Cabin
- Temp Lake
- The Amusement Park of Goodbyes
- PicoDevimon's Trap
- The Restaurant By the Lake Shore
- The Town of People
- Chapter 5: Vamdemon's Castle
- The Inquisitive Heart
- Karaoke Princess
- The Secret of the Crests
- Gennai’s Underwater Mansion
- Operation Invade the Real World
- Chapter 6: Tokyo
- August 1st, 1999
- Night
- Shibuya-type Digimon
- Encounter
- Two Crests
- Digimon Adventure Keyword File
- Digimon Adventure Monster File
- Afterword
Digimon Adventure: Part 3 ~Our Adventures Are Not Over Yet~[]
The third and final book was published by Shueisha and released in Japan on July 25, 2001. It is about 276 pages long.
- Plot summary
Taichi and his friends managed to defeat Myotismon, but the digital world has begun to affect the earth! If nothing is done, the earth will crystallize. Eight friends with Hikari challenge the final battle to save the earth!
- Chapter 7: August 2nd, 1999
- Prologue
- Memories of Hikarigaoka
- Ambush
- Barrier of Darkness
- The Captured People
- A Chance Meeting at Tokyo Bay
- Escape from Big Sight
- Leaving Only a Smile Behind
- Ultimate Level
- Once More to the Digital World
- Chapter 8: The Dark Masters
- Spiral Mountain
- The Unmerciful Sea
- A Falling Out Among Friends
- The Forest of Hatred
- Chapter 9: The Last Enemy
- The Wall of Fire
- Collapse of the Cities
- Mimi’s Battle
- The Darkness Within the Heart
- The True Enemy
- Those Who Defy Evolution
- The Last Battle
- A New World
- And So, the End of Summer
- Epilogue
- Digimon Adventure Monster File
- Afterword
External links[]
- Digimon adventure: novels (In English)