DATS, short for Digimon Data Squad (Digital Accident Tactics Squad), is an international organization dedicated to keeping the peace between the Human and Digital Worlds, by apprehending any Digimon that appear in the Real World and returning them to the Digital World as Digi-Eggs. The Japanese branch, headquartered in Yokohama, falls under the direct jurisdiction of Japan's Confidentiality Ministry, Hashima.
When signs of evil Digimon started to appear in the Real World, DATS was established to stop them. When an evil Digimon has been defeated and reverted to a Digi-Egg, their Digi-Egg is sent back to the Digital World through a machine within DATS HQ.
Known Members[]
- Digimon Masters only
Former members[]
Notes and references[]
See also[]
Digimon Data Squad | |
DATS Members: | Marcus Damon and Agumon | Thomas H. Norstein and Gaomon | Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda and Lalamon | Keenan Crier and Falcomon | Miki Kurosaki, Megumi Shirakawa, and PawnChessmon | Richard Sampson and Kudamon | Homer Yushima and Kamemon |
Antagonists: | SaberLeomon | Gotsumon | Akihiro Kurata and Gizumon | Bio-Hybrids | Belphemon | Argomon | Royal Knights | King Drasil | Tsukasa Kagura |
Other characters: |
Spencer Damon and BanchoLeomon | Sarah Damon | Kristy Damon and Biyomon | Merukimon | Rhythm | Kosaburo Katsura and Biyomon | Yuma Kagura and Renamon | Masaki Nitta | Other characters |
Relationships: | Marcus Damon | Thomas H. Norstein | Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda | Keenan Crier |
Other media: | Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! | The Digital World in Imminent Danger! | Digimon World Data Squad | Digimon World DS | Digimon World Dawn and Dusk |
See also: | Digimon | Digital World | Digimon Natural Ability | Data Link Digivice | Digi-Egg | List of episodes |