
Cutemon is a Fairy Digimon. It is a mischievous and peppy but timid Digimon that lives in cold areas. Although they may look like large rabbit-ears, it has not ears, but a kind of sense organ with which it can sense the approach of other Digimon in no time. Thanks to this, it is extremely rare to catch sight of Cutemon, because it will immediately hide itself. If you do happen to catch sight of one, it is either a rare fortune, or Cutemon is mischievously luring you into a trap. Its trademark muffler is beyond imagination with its insulating properties, as it is very warm. If you are able to obtain one, you can call yourself lucky. It has the ability to heal wounds, and if it's in the vicinity of an injured Digimon, it will come closer, taking care not to be noticed, and heal that Digimon. Its scratches and cuts are already healed before it realizes what's going on, due to Cutemon's cute and mischievous nature.[2]


  • Healing Glow (キズナオール Kizunaol?, lit. "Wound Healing")[3]: Heals wounds.
  • Sugunaol (スグナオール Sugunaōru?, lit. "Immediate Healing")[3]
  • Healing Glow (ヨクナオール Yokunaol?, lit. "Skillful Healing")[3]: Greatly heals wounds.
  • Supersonic Wave
  • Ultrasonic Song (Ultrasonic Wave): Sings at a high frequency to greatly damage all around it.



Cutemon (キュートモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.


Digimon Fusion[]

Digimon Xros Wars (manga)[]

Main article: Cutemon (Fusion)

Digimon Fusion Fighters[]

Main article: Cutemon (Fusion)

Digimon Adventure:[]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue and Red[]

Cutemon is an obtainable Digimon.

Wild Cutemon are found in Digital Space S.

Digimon All Star Rumble[]

Main article: Cutemon (Fusion)

Digimon Heroes![]

Cutemon is card 6-623.

Digimon New Century[]

Cutemon digivolves from Yokomon and can digivolve to Unimon.

Notes and references[]

  1. Cutemon has no level on Re-13.
  2. Digimon Reference Book: Cutemon
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The "-naol" (ナオール naōru?) suffix to Cutemon's "Kizunaol", "Sugunaol", and "Yokunaol" techniques is a pun on the verb "To heal" (治る Naoru?), and is sometimes used for fictional medicines in other anime and manga to evoke a medicinal feel to the item's name.