
Cannondramon is a Cyborg Digimon.


  • DynamoCannon (Dyna Cannon): Shoots giant destructive beams and munitions from each gunport on his body.
  • Grenade Storm: Shoots several munitions along with a direct shot of energy.


It resembles an armored diplodocus with three cannons on its back.


Cannondramon (キャノンドラモン)

Name used in Digimon World 3 and the franchise. No official romanization available.


Cannondramon's name was chosen by αρχιμεδεs, who also retouched its design.[1]


Digimon World 3

Cannondramon can be obtained by raising Monmon to LV40 or on other Digimon's Digivolution line, Armormon to LV99. It is also available as a Blue Mega Card with 55/55. It is the most powerful Blue Card.

Digimon World DS

Cannondramon digivolves from Triceramon at Level 40 and 220 Defense Stat. Cannondramon also appears in Sheer Valley.

Digimon World Dawn and Dusk

Cannondramon is #344, and is a Mega-level, Attacker-class, Dragon-species Digimon with a resistance to the Fire element and weakness to the Earth element. Its basic stats are 320 HP, 328 MP, 170 Attack, 148 Defense, 111 Spirit, 119 Speed, and 67 Aptitude. It possesses the Heroic Power, Heroic Guard, Sniper 4, and EX Damage4 traits.

It dwells in the mountain area of Transfield.

Cannondramon digivolves from Triceramon. In order to digivolve to Cannondramon, your Digimon must be at least level 42, with 12,500 Machine experience and 255 attack.

Cannondramon can also DNA digivolve from any two of Brachiomon, MameTyramon, and Vermilimon, if the base Digimon is at least level 52, with 10,000 Machine experience, and 295 attack.

Cannondramon can be hatched from the Gunner Egg.

Notes and references
