
Brave heart is a single from Digimon Adventure. brave heart was the evolution theme song for Digimon Adventure. Digimon Shinkers was composed of Chika Sakamoto (as Agumon), Mayumi Yamaguchi (as Gabumon), Takahiro Sakurai (as Tentomon), Junko Takeuchi (as Gomamon), Shihomi Mizowaki (as Palmon), Atori Shigematsu (as Piyomon) and Miwa Matsumoto (as Patamon).

Brave heart
Front Cover
Brave heart back
Back Cover

CD Data[]

Catalog Number NEDA-10004
Format CDS
Release Date June 25, 1999
Price ¥ 1,050

Track listing[]

# Title Artist Length
1. "brave heart" Ayumi Miyazaki 4:12
2. "Shinka de Guts!"
(進化でガッツ! Evolve With Guts!)
Digimon Shinkers 5:14
3. "brave heart" Original Karaoke 4:12
4. "Shinka de Guts!"
(進化でガッツ! Evolve With Guts!)
Original Karaoke 5:12