
Boutmon is a Beastkin Digimon. It is a Digimon that digivolved from the data of combat sports such as karate. It is a courteous sportsman who has learned the rules of every type of martial arts, and values ​​fighting in the game format its opponent wants. Although there is a wide variety of techniques used by Boutmon, non-existent techniques like those in fighting games as well as sports show up from time to time.[3]


  • Lightning Heel (雷撃踵 Raigekishou?): Lands an axe kick into the opponent's skull with lightning.
  • Buden Blast (武電破弾 Budenhadan?, lit. "Violent Lightning Destructive Shot"): Fires oversized energy shots from its held-out palms.
  • Storm of Blows (迅雷廻天戟 Jinrai Kaitengeki?, lit. "Thunderclap Tide-turning Fight"): Dishes out a series of kicking and punching techniques without giving the opponent a chance to strike back.



Boutmon (バウトモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.

  • (En:) Bout, a short period of intense activity of a specified kind and/or a term used to refer to matches in Professional Wrestling and Boxing.


Digimon Dreamers[]

When Pulsemon summons Ritsu Kodo to the Digital World, it tells him that its dream is to one day digivolve to Bulkmon, then Boutmon, and finally, Kazuchimon. Whilst imagining this, it imagines the trio of digivolutions in its mind. A Digimon can dream

Digimon Seekers[]

Main article: Boutmon (Seekers)

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[]

Boutmon digivolves from Bulkmon and Runnermon and can digivolve to Kazuchimon and Shroudmon. It can also DNA digivolve from Exermon with a Vaccine or Free Champion Digimon, Namakemon with a Vaccine or Free Champion Digimon, and can DNA digivolve to Shivamon with a Data or Virus Ultimate Digimon, Achillesmon with a Free Ultimate Digimon, or to various other Mega Digimon by acting as the Vaccine Ultimate Digimon requirement.

Digimon Project[]

Main article: Boutmon (Project)

Notes and references[]
