
BlackRapidmon is a Warrior Digimon. It is a black form of Rapidmon made for night combat after "Black Digitron" was mixed into its body. Despite falling, its speed allows it to move without making a sound. Its ability to capture enemies with its ear-shaped radar remains unchanged, and it specializes in fighting in the dark, and it can be said to be almost impossible to win against BlackRapidmon in night combat.[2]


  • Golden Triangle[3]: Fires a beam from its whole body that disassembles the enemy's data.
  • Rapid Fire: Rapid-fires homing missiles from its revolver and both of its arms.


BlackRapidmon is based on the Poodle dog breed. Its upper body is covered in black metal except for its face, the base of its ears, its midsection, and its thighs which are covered in chocolate color fur. Its muzzle is covered in a facial mask.


BlackRapidmon (ブラックラピッドモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.


Digital Monster D-Project[]

BlackRapidmon digivolves from Gargomon, and can digivolve into BlackMegaGargomon.

Digimon World DS[]

BlackRapidmon digivolves from Gargomon, and can digivolve into BlackMegaGargomon. BlackRapidmon also appears at the Lava River.

Digimon World Dawn and Dusk[]

BlackRapidmon is #234, and is an Ultimate-level, Attacker-class, Dark-species Digimon with a resistance to the Dark element and weakness to the Light element. Its basic stats are 223 HP, 235 MP, 136 Attack, 109 Defense, 96 Spirit, 108 Speed, and 50 Aptitude. It possesses the Speed 4, Powerful 4, and Critical 3 traits.

It dwells in the Process Factory.

BlackRapidmon digivolves from Centarumon and can digivolve to BlackMegaGargomon. In order to digivolve or degenerate to BlackRapidmon, your Digimon must be at least level 33, with 3500 Machine experience and 145 speed.

BlackRapidmon can DNA digivolve to Seraphimon with Rapidmon.

Digimon World Championship[]

BlackRapidmon can be digivolved from Gargomon with at least 6 battles (50% wins), or Youkomon or Lynxmon by at least 40 beast AP, and can digivolve into MegaGargomon with at least 20 Battles (50% Wins). It can also digivolve from BlackGarurumon.

Notes and references[]

  1. Digimon Reference Book: BlackRapidmon: "It is a black form of Rapidmon made for night combat after "Black Digitron" was mixed into its body."
  2. Digimon Reference Book: BlackRapidmon
  3. This attack is named "Miracle Missile" on Bo-283.