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Persiamon is the princess of Lake Zone who rules from Bastia Castle, and her servants include the PawnChessmons, led by Knightmon, as well as a huge quantity of Pandamon and ToyAgumon. After Xros Heart saves her domain, Persiamon and her subjects become Xros Heart members. She tends to sleep a lot (and as Knightmon said, sleeps two thirds of the day). She tends to hug Taiki a lot, which gets Akari jealous.


Taiki, Become a Knight! Xros Heart, Burn! Warrior Beelzebumon, Flutter! Wisemon, The Secret of the Digital World!


  • Helter Skelter: Beguiles the opponent with the bewitching charms of its belly dance.
  • Vampire Wave (Vampire Dance): Gets close to the opponent while dancing, then sucks out all the blood in their body, down to the last drop.

DigiXros Forms

Main article: Xros Heart

Template:Digimon Xros Wars
