BanchoStingmon is an Insect Digimon. BanchoStingmon is full of pride and survives by constantly intimidating everyone around it. It gives top priority to its own pride out of everything else, and its high-ranking pride is said to be first-rate among all of the Digimon. It has a behavioral trait where, if someone damages its pride even a little bit, it will not ever forgive them, regardless of whether they are friend or foe. It is said that it won the title of "Bancho" through its pride alone, rejecting all offers of a compromise. Its symbolic Gakuran was minutely sewn with the shells of various insects, so it has become very firmly-made.[2]
- Bloody Finish: Skewers enemies with the drills on both of its arms.
- Depth Charge Sky (爆雷天 Bakuraiten?): Releases Mine Bugs (機雷虫 Kiraichū?, lit. "Mine Insects") that self-destruct when they hit enemies.
- Redbutt: Headbutts an enemy hard enough to shatter their face.
BanchoStingmon is an insectoid with a humanoid body structure and green eyes. Its body is covered in a red exoskeleton and has long purple hair at the back of the head. It has talons on its feet, two drill-based "Spikes" under each of its wrists in golden gauntlets with longer ones over it's fists, and has red claw-like fingers on its hands. It also has pair of two insect-like wings on its back and two long red and dark red-striped antennae on its head. It wears a dark purple symbolic Gakuran with short cupped sleeves and black baggy pants.
- BanchoStingmon (バンチョースティングモン)
Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.
Digimon Collectors[]
BanchoStingmon is an obtainable Digimon.
Digimon Heroes![]
BanchoStingmon is an obtainable Digimon.
Digimon Soul Chaser[]
BanchoStingmon digivolves from JewelBeemon.
Digimon ReArise[]
BanchoStingmon digivolves from Okuwamon.
Digimon New Century[]
BanchoStingmon digivolves from JewelBeemon and can DNA digivolve to GrandisKuwagamon with GranKuwagamon or to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode (Black) with Imperialdramon Dragon Mode (Black).
Digimon Survive[]
Free BanchoStingmon evolves from MegaKabuterimon and JewelBeemon. If Takuma Momozuka is able to befriend a BanchoStingmon and asks it for an item, it will give him an Anti-Poison Crystal.